MovieChat Forums > Teen Mom (2009) Discussion > So now all we ever see them do is movie ...

So now all we ever see them do is movie and buy furniture?

At least Amber had the nerve to admit it. I loved when she said "I feel like douchebags" while at the furniture store.


Must be nice to be able to go into a furniture store and say "I'll take that...and that..and that!" without looking at the price.

Dexter: I would give everything to feel nothing again.


I'm going to be honest and say that I have done this. Not that we have a ton of money. We've been married 17 years, second marriage for both and 5 kids between us. We had mismatched furniture that we each brought into the marriage. Kids are all grown and out of the house. We bought a new house and our couches didn't fit and we didn't have enough furniture for some parts of the house, so we knew we had to go buy some. We decided to just get whatever we wanted - good quality that we could have forever, and put it on the credit card and pay it off quickly. We went to the store and it really was like walking through and saying "I want this and
this and 2 of these and 2 of
those." I remember once I looked at him and giggled and said "I feel like a fancy lady." It was fun and it was nice. I don't feel bad because it's something I've never done before and will never do again. It wasn't extravagant because it was something we needed and had it paid off within a couple months. But yeah, it was fun.


I was amused at how much they were focused on the couch. They had to sit on it to make sure it can endure 15 hours a day of ass-sitting time, whilst still looking "Hollywood-sequel"


Omg, I know. It's impossible to keep up with the house changes these girls go through. Moving that often would drive me crazy, even if I could afford it.
