MovieChat Forums > Teen Mom (2009) Discussion > Bets on Amber and Matt

Bets on Amber and Matt

Everyone cast your bets on how much longer Amber and Matt will last?
I think they will make it to the alter, because Amber is obsessed with proving everyone wrong.
But I am sure it will be a very short marriage. I expect no longer than 2 years.
His true colors will eventually be shown and she will realize she is with a shady guy.



I hope for Amber's sake they don't marry but I agree she is obsessed with proving everyone wrong.


She may be under the romantic misconception that she can "change" him. Sorry, girlfriend, but that only works in rom-coms.


I totally agree that she is obsessed with proving everyone wrong. I can't say for sure how long it will last, but if she ends up pregnant she will use any excuse she can to keep him around as long as possible to keep "proving people wrong" It won't be a happy marriage though, whether she gets pregnant or not. Once they're married he will have what he wanted and then the true colors will shine through.


She has borderline personality and is an addict. I Belive she is is using and so is he. She can't stand to be alone. Therefore she will pay his way as long as he stays with her. I doubt they will marry because of the many lawsuits against him from his baby mammas. Amber will overlook anything he does to maintain the facade of normality.


Her incredibly low self-esteem is what keeps her staying with Matt. She thinks she can't get anyone better. Same reason she stuck with Gary for so many years. Matt has been a proven liar regarding the number of children he fathered, and how he stalked Farrah and Janelle on Twitter....and yet she stays with him.


Agreed completely. She will never have the nerve to break up with him even if she caught him cheating or stealing from her. Since prison she is much more of a pushover.


I can honestly see it working out for quite a while. I mean he is a total con artist and loser but he is low maintenance and will probably stick around for the long haul as long as Amber doesn't go totally broke.


Guarantee it doesn't last long term, but not sure when. I'd say maybe a few more years? He's too big of a loser and will screw something up, and she's way too big of a hot head with a temper and negative personality to get along with anybody for an extended period of time.


I really don't understand what she sees in him. He is obviously a con-artist, deadbeat dad, and Teen Mom fan boy. He's also 20 years older than her but doesn't seem to have accomplished anything in life and is more than happy to mooch off of her. His only job seems to be helping Amber make sure no one steals the couch.


