MovieChat Forums > Teen Mom (2009) Discussion > Maci / Taylor Drinking

Maci / Taylor Drinking

I realize I'm completely in the minority with my opinion but I feel like everyone is blowing their drinking out of proportion. They are well within the legal age to drink, so I don't see what the big deal is. It's been said a million times that we only see a small part of their lives, so the 5 segments a night we see them with a beer in their hand could have all been filmed over a few days, or a few hours. They could have one beer open and sit down with it for an extended period of time. Point is we don't know because we aren't there. They are far from alcoholics, they aren't constantly drunk on camera. You want messed up, refer to Catelynn's mom a few seasons ago, or even Amber a few seasons ago. It just seems like everyone is down their throats for acting like normal 20 somethings and *gasp* enjoying a beer! Just because they have kids doesn't mean they aren't allowed to enjoy themselves.


I'm sure they do drink more than they maybe SHOULD. They clearly have a party/drinking lifestyle. They both enjoy drinking. I think they probably drink too much but I'm not judging. I think most 20 something's that do drink drink too much. I don't see why she can't even attempt to breastfeed her kids she just wants to go back to being Taylor's "drinking buddy" (as he called it in the last episode) but I mean it's not my life and their kids seem to be well taken care of despite the excessive drinking.


Maybe she doesn't want to breastfeed. And so what if she doesn't? It doesn't make her a bad mom. It isn't something everyone wants to do. Idk why that's even an issue.


Funny you ask. I never said it made her a bad mom or that I care. I was just pointing out her priorities. Maybe work on your comprehension skills.


My reading comprehension skills are fine thanks. You were the one who dragged breastfeeding into a thread that has nothing to do it. So maybe you should work on yours ;)


Some people don't want to breastfeed, so what, its their choice, not sure why you are even bringing it up.


I completely agree with you. They are young and so what if they drink. I have never once seen them drunk around there kids, until some of the other moms, who we've seen high and stuff.


Agreed. I'm not really a fan of drinking in general, but they are not slamming them back, so I'm not going to knock them for it.


You're not in the minority. I've never seen them display any type of problem behavior around their kids - even while they're drinking.


Since they don't seem to be causing any damage to their children I usually just make jokes about how much they drink. On another note, my boss who also owns the company probably drinks a 6-pack a day and has for many, many years. He has two daughters and both graduated college and have good jobs within the field they studied, one even got her masters so I don't think someone who drinks everyday is automatically a detriment to themselves or their family. When it becomes a problem is when it starts affecting you in a manner that hurts your family or makes your life unmanageable. I don't drink as it just makes me sick but I do smoke weed and I feel the same way about that.


Jokes about it are one thing but I've noticed a ton of posts just slamming them and basically calling them alcoholics.


I agree with the OP. Personally, I could care less about their beer consumption. Whatever they drink they both manage to function well enough.


Exactly I could careless. I usually don't notice until I come on here and see someone pointing it out.

"Sometimes what I type doesn't make any sense because of the iPad."— By Me.


to the both of you, *couldn't care less


LOL. I'm British. We know how to speak English!


Agreed. I feel like people just come on these message boards to bash and criticize any minute detail. Clearly Maci and Taylor love their kids and want what is best for them. I can't really picture them getting wasted every night and neglecting their parental duties


There's a huge misconception about alcoholics on here. You don't need to be constantly drunk or drinking a liter of vodka every night. Most alcoholics are dependent on having 1-2 drinks after work and they are functioning... Maci and Taylor are always shown with a drink in their hands. I'm not saying they drink A TON but they clearly drink ON THE REGULAR. I'm sure they're fine parents but they should be careful before they have a full blown problem.


Just curious. How is having 1-2 drinks after work considered being an alcoholic, but having 1-2 cups of coffee to start off the morning is considered completely acceptable? There are a lot of people who depend on the coffee to get them through their day, but nobody says anything negative about that. I just don't see having a drink after work, or even on a regular basis being anywhere near a problem if they are still responsible people. If it were getting in the way of their daily lives, or their parenting, then I would agree they have a problem.


Well yeah, if you're depending on coffee in the morning that's an addiction. I never said other addictions were worse/better. I drink coffee every morning and do feel like I need it otherwise I get a headache.


I just think it's a little extreme to say they're alcoholics because they drink on a regular basis. I could see if it were affecting their parenting or other parts of their lives but it doesn't seem to.
