MovieChat Forums > Teen Mom (2009) Discussion > Do parents ever feel guilty for giving t...

Do parents ever feel guilty for giving thier kid the Dad/Mom they have?

The only person to ever talk about it on the show was Chelsea. Maci prob regrets it. I'm sure Nathan regrets everything with Jenelle. Jeremey sure as hell seems to regret it with Leah. I know when you're with someone you don't think that far ahead but it actually is the most important decision of your life. Being attached to that person for the rest of your life because of the child you share. Of course no one knows the future and has no way of knowing the other person will be a nightmare but I wonder if they ever wish they could go back and have a do over.

Also, do people ever irrationally hold resentment against the good parent for not picking a better partner??? I'm just thinking about Ryan and Adam and I'm pretty sure those two were never really great people to begin with yet the girls still took that risk. And with Nathan, HE KNEW Jenelle was a POS but went their anyway. Amber better not have a baby with Matt knowing what she knows. If she does and things go to hell, she'll have no one to blame but her desperate self.




In my personal life I resent the hell out of my husband for procreating with the POS trash bag that is my step - son's "mother." She only sees him when it's convenient for her, doesn't provide anything monetarily to help with his upbringing, and had effed him up psychologically when it comes to women. He is such a great kid but he definitely had "mommy" issues.


I can so relate. My boyfriend, the soon to be daddy of the baby I have brewing, procreated twice with the mother of his son and daughter. They have a split custody agreement where he has full custody of his son and she has full of their daughter and they have 50/50 on the child that isn't living with them full time. I love my boyfriend, but I hate that he chose to reproduce twice with this woman. She barely spends any time with her son, barely asks about him, and by consequence he only really cares to go over to her house to see his sister. If his sister only every came here and he never went over there, I honestly don't think he would care if he never saw the woman. She doesn't buy him any clothes or contribute monetarily to his well being (my bf pays child support for his daughter, but for whatever reason his ex pays zero child support for their son) and she didn't even give him a birthday present two years in row and he still remembers this and brings it up often. She's quite possibly the worst mother I've ever had the displeasure of knowing and it's unfortunate that she's anyone's mother.


I do, everyday
