MovieChat Forums > Teen Mom (2009) Discussion > Catelynn's Childhood/Issues

Catelynn's Childhood/Issues

How messed up was her childhood? I am sure April was awful to her many times, and it was probably mental, emotional and physical abuse too.
She just seems to have many issues and I wonder if they stem from her messed up childhood.
But no matter how crappy ones childhood is, there comes a time when have to do what it takes to deal with it and move on.
This should definitely happen before one starts having their own children. This was not the case with Catelynn.
She got it right with Carly. She is nowhere near mentally ready to be a parent. Poor Nova!!
Can't help but feel that she had Nova to keep Tyler and as some kinda replacement for Carly. But she got in over her head. Motherhood has made her issues worse.
Sadly, only thing that may put a fire under her to get the proper help (not just 30 days and that odd therapist), would be if Tyler actually leaves her.
She should wanna change for herself and Nova.


I completely agree with you. I honestly always thought her issues stemmed from the adoption. Yes, we all know she had it rough with April and Butch. Perhaps even her natural father (i.e., abandonment issues). But as you pointed out at down stage we must pull ourselves up by the bootstraps and move on.

As best I know she wasn't raped or repeatedly molested. She isn't an orphan. She was never homeless (I think). She never was without food or shelter. These are things people are able to get over, yet she is not able to move past whatever is bothering her.

I now think Tyler has had it with her and his mom is showing him the light. Maybe a separation would do them both some good. It's hard to feel sorry for her. She just makes excuses for everything.


Maybe a separation would do them both some good.

I've had similar thoughts. Nothing permanent or dramatic, just a little space so they can both do some thinking and see if life without the other one is better or worse (or, in Cate's case, even possible... I'm sure she doubts it).


Exactly. A separation that is temporary. Not a divorce. They are obviously very codependent.


I thought it was interesting that Cate made a big point of saying how her anxiety was so much better in rehab. I immediately thought she felt better because she was away from Tyler and his nagging. Now, I've always been team Cate and thought Tyler was too hard on her, but this season I'm starting to see his point.

So Tyler isn't doing anything that great, but it has to be so hard to live with someone who is so depressed and then does nothing to help herself. Smoking week even after being told by a doctor that it will nullify her actual medications and then missing her appointment by 18 minutes to a psych appointment it just ridiculous. It's not like she doesn't have baby sitters to watch Nova or a job that keeps her busy, how can you miss an important appointment like that? When she said in the preview that she cried hoping to still get into the appointment even though she was late it made me realize how manipulative she really is. I'm actually starting to feel sorry for Tyler.

