Catelyn's continued downfall
Ugghhh. She just gets worse and worse, it's sad and frankly kind of pathetic. She doesn't care about anything anymore. Her ambition, her appearance, her relationship. And now she's to the point where she's just making excuses for everything instead of trying to change and do something positive about it, for example using phrases like "my mental health is ruining everything" and I can't do this or that "because of my panic attacks"...blah blah blah. Appearance wise, I think she's gained even more weight just from 2-3 episodes ago, it looks like she's gotten bigger again. There was one scene where it showed a side profile of her, they were talking out on the front patio or something, she is really round and large now.
The VERY FIRST scene it showed of her tonight she was curled up on the couch and buried under a blanket in a depression. Her and Tyler are miserable together. They aren't truly in love in my opinion. I'm sure they love each other unconditionally, but they aren't in love like two people that just got married should. It almost seems like they stay with each other out of pity. They've been together for so long now that they've become comfortable with the "idea" of being together, because it's really all they know, but it's not what makes them happy. I think Nova is the other reason they are trying to stick it out. If not for her, I honestly think Tyler would be out the door already. They are holding each other hostage because neither wants to make the move to end it. Like I said they've become so comfortable with grinding through their struggles and the convoluted idea of being happy together, that they can't break the cycle or the habit, even though that's what would be best and they'd be better off.