MovieChat Forums > Teen Mom (2009) Discussion > Catelyn's continued downfall

Catelyn's continued downfall

Ugghhh. She just gets worse and worse, it's sad and frankly kind of pathetic. She doesn't care about anything anymore. Her ambition, her appearance, her relationship. And now she's to the point where she's just making excuses for everything instead of trying to change and do something positive about it, for example using phrases like "my mental health is ruining everything" and I can't do this or that "because of my panic attacks"...blah blah blah. Appearance wise, I think she's gained even more weight just from 2-3 episodes ago, it looks like she's gotten bigger again. There was one scene where it showed a side profile of her, they were talking out on the front patio or something, she is really round and large now.

The VERY FIRST scene it showed of her tonight she was curled up on the couch and buried under a blanket in a depression. Her and Tyler are miserable together. They aren't truly in love in my opinion. I'm sure they love each other unconditionally, but they aren't in love like two people that just got married should. It almost seems like they stay with each other out of pity. They've been together for so long now that they've become comfortable with the "idea" of being together, because it's really all they know, but it's not what makes them happy. I think Nova is the other reason they are trying to stick it out. If not for her, I honestly think Tyler would be out the door already. They are holding each other hostage because neither wants to make the move to end it. Like I said they've become so comfortable with grinding through their struggles and the convoluted idea of being happy together, that they can't break the cycle or the habit, even though that's what would be best and they'd be better off.


To her credit, this episode was the first time I saw her wearing something that resembled a put together outfit rather than that ratty black zip up she's been wearing in almost every episode!

Honestly, Catelyn's major problem is her refusal to understand that she has a serious condition that requires constant treatment. Her level of depression is severe, and it's naive to think a 30 day treatment center (one in which she complained about being at everyday she was there and flew the coop the very second day 30 hit mind you) was going to magically solve all her problems. There are no magic pills, there's just constant effort and work put in to make each day better than the last and this requires her to see her therapist as often as possible (shouldn't be too hard since she doesn't have a job) and doing as many therapeutic activities as she can muster (again, no job, this should be a snap). However, Catelyn's other major problem is that she's lazy and being lazy and clinically depressed is a recipe for disaster. It makes it so that she's completely ineffective at managing her illness because she simply doesn't want to put in the work to manage it. So in effect, it isn't her illness that's ruining her life it's her failure to give a crap enough to manage her illness that's ruining her life. I guarantee you Tyler would be more willing to stay in this if he saw her constantly going to therapy and doing therapeutic activities even with bouts of ups and downs depression can bring instead of laying around sleeping all day and being a bump on a log. Very few people would be able to put up with that so I'd never blame him for leaving if she decided to continue to do nothing about her issues.


I was pretty disgusted with her myself last week when she was chewing and talking with her mouth full and Tyler asked her to stop and she instantly went into victim mode and told Ty to stop being mean to her. Girl no, stop being gross and learn some basic manners. I can see why her husband is not attracted to her with her laziness, poor manners, and lack of trying.

I feel bad typing that because I've been rooting for her for years but enough already.


That's exactly what she's doing. Playing the victim. My son has mental health problems and I'd notice he would always play the victim (putting himself down, blaming his mental health issues) to manipulate a situation where he knew he would be confronted about not following through on things to better himself so we would leave him be. He tried doing that during a psych appointment and his psychiatrist called him out on it and told him that she knew what he was trying to do with his manipulation and that she was on to him and would continue to hold him accountable for his actions.


I don't know why they stay together but it's definitely not because of love. I hope Tyler fries a pair and dumps her someday. Their entire relationship is just miserable.



I 100% agree that he will leave her! MTV knows she has a problem and instead of actually cancelling the show and getting her actual help, they are using her for their own benefit. However, they are all adults and should know better and realize for themselves that maybe they need to take a break from this show and get their lives straightened out. It's very sad and there are at least three people from this season that need actual help.


They stay together for the fat MTV paycheck. When the show is over, he will dump her like a hot potato.

But here's the thing though. Even if they broke up, the show would still follow both of them and their stories. Just as they have with Gary/Amber and all the rest. It's not like there's some clause in their contract that say's they must stay together. They would still be just as much involved in the show if they were separated.



I agree.


I think Nova is the other reason they are trying to stick it out. If not for her, I honestly think Tyler would be out the door already.

I think Tyler said as much once. And, I think it was on their honeymoon. Yikes.

Maybe Catelynn's therapist should try some tough love instead of sitting there passively listening to her whine about the same stuff all the time. I don't know if it would do any good, but what's being done now is definitely not working. Cate had such a lot going for her when she was younger... she was cute and bright and full of energy and had some goals in life. I don't want her therapist to beat her over the head, but I saw such potential there and it's so sad to see the contrast with the Cate of today. There must be a way to get through to her. She made it what, two days without smoking after she got home? That reflects just about zero effort. Of course, the Husband of the Year was saying how much he liked smoking in the evenings, so I can guess how she fell off the wagon.

"my mental health is ruining everything" and I can't do this "because of my panic attacks"

Classic enabled remarks. Unfortunately, I also hear this a lot in real life... I have a close family member who enables a lazy spouse who's full of excuses, and it's all I can do not to scream sometimes. He gets a lot of praise for being such a "wonderful husband", when he's really just helping his wife turn into a giant sponge.
