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What did Ryan do that angered Larry so bad?

In the preview for the next episode Larry is shown saying things like he doesn't want Ryan around and that he wouldn't even pee on him if he were on fire. He even goes in a bit on his wife. It was kind of crazy. I wonder what Ryan did to get Larry so ticked off.


I didn't see that one the preview. Hmm wonder what it is has Bently had that big game maci kept talking about he must not show. I can see how Larry could be at wits end with Ryan, Bently is 7 or 8 now right and in all these years he still can't be a dad to him. He's fine with another man taking that roll and him playing big brother to him that's really unfortunate and I feel bad for Bentley


I read an article that said he called him a bloodsucker and that he felt like Ryan just used them and takes advantage of them. I do wonder what specifically happened though.


I'm sure Ryan's mom will come to Ryan's defense. She always does.


The preview:

This is so sad in that it follows on the heels of Larry thanking his wife for all he's done for him and the family.


Oh my God that's horrible! I love jen and Larry its sad they let this build up for so many years because now he's exploding and hurting jen which I honestly don't believe he means to he's just so angry. Does Ryan have a job? I can understand Larry's frustration with a son that's mid 20s?, not working not seeing his only child not being a dad what so ever and having zero ambition in life. I feel terrible for jen.


Larry seems drunk in that scene.

Seems like they've spoiled Ryan his whole life. That coupled with Ryan's lack of motivation created a 20 something year old mooch. It also seems like Larry has been holding back for a long time to keep the peace within his family and now he's fed up. Things mush have really reached a boiling point.


Larry does seem drunk - his face is sooo red.

I know he's pissed off but saying Jen can pack her sh!t and leave was messed up..


All I can say is YIKES. Larry is really really pissed of. So pissed off he doesn't mind if he hurts Jen's feelings..


Well d@mn. Is he Ryan's biological dad? Doesn't sound like it.


This is really heartbreaking to see. Ryan is a horrible father to Bentley and a terrible son to Jen and Larry but I hate that it's gotten to the point of this much hatred. Especially seeing how Jen is dealing with it, she's clearly very hurt by all of it too. Just kills me cause I love Jen and Larry so much.


You know what? Ryan was NOT always a bad Father. Maci for the first at least 3 to 4 years of Bentleys life, maci was pretty awful to ryan. She was controlling, she threw in his face that she could take Bentley whenever she wanted. I think ryan got sick of it


Exactly! She was a total control freak and even moved FAR away with Bintlee. Then wants to cry and whine about what a bad father Rhine is. She even said "I have complete control" on one of the after shows and I wanted to smack her in her five head. She also got mad when he wouldn't let her take him for a little bit on Halloween and said "technically I can just take him". She also crashed his vacation with Bintlee.

Rhine's mom was also always hounding him about c-u-s-t-o-d-y to the point it was getting on MY nerves so I can imagine how he felt. He knew it was going to be an uphill battle when it came to Maci. The guy couldn't win no matter what he did. Jen and Larry spoiled that kid and now his dad wants him to be a man overnight? When has he ever really had to?

He is not perfect, but he DID try at times and Maci made it hell on earth for him. The one thing I did agree with her on was that he DID need to stay home when Bintlee was over for visits. It seems they were more for his parents than for him. I said that from the get go.


Omg your Rhines made me crack up


Oh my god I remember when she moved 2-4 hours away with Kyle she didn't even bother to to tell Ryan until the day she moved. I remember half the time I didn't even agree with her like what a lot of other people did. He actually did make it to every pickup/drop off from what I can remember, no wonder why it seems like he doesn't try as much anymore, because Maci never really gave him that chance. It's not an excuse or anything but it can be an explanation for things.

"Sometimes what I type doesn't make any sense because of the iPad."— By Me.


And that's exactly whst made me stop liking her, now she wants to act like shes been the easiest person to be around.


Jen and Larry are awesome, but yeah it looks like Jen coddled Ryan a little too much and Larry is over it.


I think he's finally fed up and embarrassed by the way his son is...he must have done something as the last straw. I think he blames his wife for the way Ryan is.

Dexter: I would give everything to feel nothing again.


Probably. Just last episode Ryan said it doesn't take much to upset Larry, and it might just be because his annoyance with Ryan has been boiling lately. I can see him having had other outbursts, but the cameras just weren't there to capture them.


In a preview I seen Farrah's dad stick his finger in Farrah's face. I was surprised to see him talking back at Farrah. She needs to be told off. I guess the parents are showing their true self next episode.

Debra needs to go back to her old assertive self. It's sad because it seems like she is afraid to even disagree with Farrah. The old Debra would speak her mind whether Farrah liked it or not. The tables sure have turned because Farrah acts like the mom and Debra is the child (especially when Farrah tells her off). I wonder if Farrah still has a relationship with her older sister? You never see her anymore for any of Farrah's special occasions.


you never see her anymore for any of Farrah's special occasions.
we also never see Farrah at her own house either. It's kind of annoying I think, lol. Every episode she's even in CAlifornia, Florida, Seattle, New York, or Iowa.

"Sometimes what I type doesn't make any sense because of the iPad."— By Me.


I'm sure it had something to do with drugs.


He sold Larry's tools for drugs
