MovieChat Forums > Teen Mom (2009) Discussion > Everyone always seems to think Tyler is ...

Everyone always seems to think Tyler is a great guy

but he is a total *beep* to Caetlyn

and imo he is a big reason why she cant shake her mental illness

she would get better if she wasnt constantly around his negativity and judgment

"Abortion is green!"
Doug Stanhope


Who??? I didn't know anyone liked Tyler. Especially after his multiple vent sessions over B&T and his obsession with social media. I don't think he's great but totally understand him being completely over it.


I think Taylor is a better guy than Tyler, but I don't think people realize that Tyler isn't just frustrated for him it's Nova as well. I've see Tyler take care of that little girl more than I've ever seen Catelynn do so. At the beginning she was attentive as a mom, but after awhile she checked out (I know because of her depression)...but think of the timeline and how long Tyler has seen Catelynn like this. Everyone has their breaking point.

Made You Look


I don't think Tyler is a saint by any means, but it is terrible living with someone like Cate who is depressed all the time but then misses doctor appointments and smokes weed knowing it will interfere with her meds. She also complains about her weight but then eats junk and when Ty points it out he becomes the bad guy and she becomes the victim while shoveling more junk in her mouth. She is manipulative too, when she said how she cried when she was late to the receptionist hoping they'd let her in even though she was late, I saw red flags.

Cate also goes out of her way to push Ty's buttons. When she bought the pig for no reason, scratched his car and then made a big point to tell him with a smirk on her face, missing the doctor appointment knowing he'd be upset. Passive aggressive people can be the worst. And to be superficial, not many young guys are going to be thrilled with their woman dressing so frumpy, not even trying to dress up or do something with their hair or makeup, wearing sweats all the time. So she's a little heavy, I don't think that's the problem, she could still work it and look good but she doesn't even try.

IDK, they seem to be toxic at this point and honestly Tyler seems to be trying harder at making things work than Cate is at this point.


I used to like him way back when, but he hasn't impressed me in a positive way in several years.


I dont think he's a saint by any means but I can totally understand his frustration with his wife. That's gotta be hurtful to know that you, your kid, and the life you share makes your spouse miserable enough to wanna sleep it away. Of course they aren't the reason she's miserable but they also don't make her happy. To top it off he has to pick up the slack. She's lucky he has stayed as long as he has.


It doesn't help Tyler or his ego that his mother is always telling him how wonderful he is and what a train wreck Catelynn is. They could both benefit from therapy, in my opinion.


I don't think Kim is like that. She has told Tyler multiple times he needs to get his life together and figure out a career path.

I also don't think Cate is miserable because of her husband and daughter. If she actually has depression/bi polar there is something chemically wrong in her brain and her kid/husband don't make up for that.


ETA sorry I misread some of your post. They don't make her miserable but I also don't think anything can make her happy unless she gets on medication and does more intense therapy.


who!?? the best thing for catelynn would've been if they broke up years ago. also, I know cate loves her daughter novalee, but I feel like she's disappointed and depressed that nova isn't a carly 'replacement' I felt she was looking for. this girl needs major therapy. it's sad.


I could say the same for Tyler. It would have been best for him if he didn't have to be a caretaker to a mentally ill person who doesn't do much to try and help herself.


Do you really blame him when she acts the way she does? She leaves him to raise that kid on his own while she sleeps all day, has no motivation, eats like crap and just doesnt care about anything. How do you expect him to act?


Tyler needs to set some boundaries and make his standards known. Having standards is not an evil or wrong or misogynist thing.

He's enabling her.

If he took his wife out for a walk a few times a week that would be a really good start.

But, I'd imagine Catelynn would bitch and moan like the world were coming to an end in the beginning of the process, which I couldn't handle. Divorce right there, but if they want, and he wants to stay together that's where they need to start.
