Catelynn is a mess
Catelynn has turned into a real mess, and I know she has anxiety issues, but she needs a better rehab program than the one she was in. It seemed like more of a spa than anything. Tyler was able to talk to her and visit and she wasn't there long enough for it to make much of an impact. She seemed to go back to the smoking, and it seems like she wants more meds from a psychiatrist ( even though she missed her appointment). She will be in real trouble if she ends up getting an rx for Valium, Xanax, Ambien or something else that is addictive and will only increase her sleepiness and will ultimately make her condition worse. Hopefully she can get into a group therapy program and some program that will help her. I think her "suicidal" thoughts that she voiced to her therapist were maybe a cry for help, but maybe not serious, either. It is hard to tell with her, because she is such a drama queen. She also does not seem to engage with Nova much at all. She and Tyler wanted this baby so much, but Tyler seems to do most of the care, and Butch and April seem to actually show Nova the most attention. Even Tyler's mom kind of ignores her when she comes over. She focuses on Tyler, and Nova just wanders around. Catelynn needs to get off of that couch and off of her phone, get some exercise, and stop smoking weed. She and Tyler need to get jobs, and/or go to school, and make a life for themselves. They (along with the rest of the cast) need to stop depending on MTV to support them, because surely these shows will not go on forever.