Anyone notice?

Simon referred to as "Farrah's friend"?

And Deb is more bizarre by the episode, Michael is right behind her and I do believe his girlfriend is now on Farrah's payroll. She has to be. Who could say anything nice to Farrah without getting paid to do so?

And Sophia. Nice manners sticking your tongue out at the employees with the look of Satan in your eyes.


I've been skeptical about believing that Simon is a 'paid friend,' but its getting to be unbelievable why he would want to be around her. She yells at him ALL the time. I don't get it.

They must still be hooking up, but that can't even be worth it anymore.

It is scary how evil Sophia can look.



I think that he saw her as a nice lay, 15 minutes of fame, and an MTV paycheck. Then, once he was under contract, he was done dating her but still had to appear in so many episodes or be recorded for a certain amount of minutes or hours. That's my theory, anyway. No way he actually wants to spend time with her. That much is obvious. All you have to do is look at the fact that EVERY OTHER girl on this show and Teen Mom 2 has other friends that they are seen with. Not Farrah. I think he is absolutely under contract to appear so that the producers don't have to be seen on camera like they did last season.


I think this is exactly it. He is under contract to appear now. That's why the times when he appears seem so contrived. Why else would he want to show up for the opening of FroCo after they broke up? It's working out well, though because he was hilarious in some of the last episodes. You can tell he's riding it for what it's worth. He got drug down to Hawaii, endured some verbal abuse and insanity from Farrah, then went and rented a motorcycle to tour the island on. Last night he just laughed and watched her unravel in front of the cameras. He's just in it for the ride and the obligation. And now the lulz.

I'm tempting the wrath of the whatever, from high atop the thing.


Yes, he was definitely having fun with it and you could tell it was driving her insane. He basically told her to "F" off without even having to say it.


I agree with you all. It's pretty hilarious to me.


Plus the Teen Mom staff is always the ones coordinating everything with him and was working on getting his luggage and stuff for him in Hawaii. I like the whole 3rd wall angle but I find it weird how involved they get in their lives. Like even when they used the one lady to chauffeur Cate back and forth to the airport, I thought it was strange. Like what would you have done if you weren't filming?
