MovieChat Forums > Teen Mom (2009) Discussion > cate's 'panic attack'

cate's 'panic attack'

so... she had a major panic attack and sat on the rocks with her friend? but normally a panic attack causes her to stay in bed all day?

was she supposed to meet Tyler at their new house??

i mean, she sounded pretty


oops... i hit submit before i meant to. she sounded pretty much normal on the phone with him.



I'm sure they went to sit on the rocks so they could burn one. Her "panic attack" seemed to be an excuse to go smoke weed because she was unable to deal with the guilt of having to see/hear the pig she abandoned. Which, it could be argued, brings up the feelings she has about giving Carly up, or leaving her to be taken care of by others, etc.


I think she's doing harder drugs than weed at this point, but I agree that her "panic attack" was an excuse to do drugs.


Yeah, I could see her being into pills or something along those lines, as well. It would explain her extreme lack of motivation. Sure, weed can make people who are prone to laziness even lazier, but it generally doesn't make them want to literally want to lay in bed all day, never shower, etc. Those seem like the signs of extreme depression or something harder. I guess I just want to give her the benefit of the doubt at this point and hope it's just PPD and that she gets some actual help beyond Kathleen the crackpot.


I definitely agree she should be seeking the helpof a cognitive behavioral therapist - its the only way I've been able to control mine and medication is only going to do so much.


When I have a panic attack, all my limbs go numb, I sob/hyperventilate,and it feels like I can't breathe and my organs are shutting down. It's a truly terrifying feeling, I think the last thing I'd want to do is go sit on some rocks in broad daylight. IDK, just my personal experience of course. I think she's full of it.


That confused the heck out of me. I get that panic attacks cause someone to not think straight, even wanting to flee, but that just looked weird to dump Nova on April to bail. I couldn't help but think it was an excuse to do drugs. I feel like Catelynn is becoming her mother... exactly what she didn't want to do. She may not be verbally abusive, but she is choosing drugs over her daughter, not caring for her, and blaming it all on her "mental illness."

I'm getting pretty fed up with Catelynn's excuses.



Damn, I think you're right. I just looked at my DVR. She's definitely smoking something, and it looks too thick to be a cigarette. It's not a vape pen. Totally looks like a blunt to me. Nice catch. I'd never have noticed it.


It looks like Catelynn also has a cig in her mouth. With the friend's smoke looking like a blunt, I can imagine Catelynn joined in later, as soon as the cameras were off her. 
