She should've given her the benefit of the doubt! If the only employee has a problem with an expensive ass machine and could not get it to work, then she did her job by calling the owner/only other employee for further instructions! Good luck getting more employees that work for you, except for family or Simon, who seems to only show up when MTV is taping!


Yep, Farrah is a horrible beast, and for people (including me) actually giving her props for having real financial endeavors, she sure looks like a lazy ass with her business at times. I said in another thread that I would not be surprised if Farrah was expecting too much from that employee because she worked at the last yogurt shop there. When she dared not know this new equipment, Farrah went ballistic. Aww, poor Farrah couldn't get off her silicone ass to remedy a problem with her company.

I seriously cannot stand her. She should have named it FCBY--after the TCBY yogurt franchise--"Farrah's Crazy Bitch Yogurt" because she is such a crazy bitch.


I feel the same way!! She is CRAZY and is probably the most disrespectful, discussing example of an owner!! How could she sit there and tell her parents that they are the people they are today because of her!!! If I was her mother I would've chuncked a drink in her poisonous filled face, hoping she would melt with her frozen nasty ass yogurt!! Is that shop in Dallas?


It's in Austin, I believe.


Yeah, the Yelp page says "Lakeway," which is a suburb of Austin. I had to look it up, and they're 20 mile apart. A few people writing reviews made it a point to say "Lakeway." is a conservative town.

What made Farrah ever want to live there? She said the FailCo place is 10 minutes from her house. I always thought she lived actually in Austin which would make more sense to me as that's more metropolitan, and Farrah moved to Texas around her porn career. Not that Austin residents want her either, lol, but a conservative town is kind of an odd choice considering who she is and what she wants in life (including buying an LA home).

Of course, her FailCo place apparently plays Christian music, so Farrah really wants to sell this whole "wholesome" thing.


Kudos to Farrah for owning an actual business but she needs to know that in order for employees to get the job done they need to go through a training course first. It's the same everywhere. Starbucks. McDonald's. Corporate office. You can't just hire people and expect them to fully understand your complicated yogurt machine or whatever it was. If she did a training course and the employee still had a hard time there's no need to be rude and nasty. That's what I don't like about Farrah. It goes all the way back to 16 and Pregnant. It's just in her nature to be rude and nasty and it's unfortunate. She can never be genuinely empathetic.

"I never hear you speak and when you do you apologize for saving me?"


But Farrah said it was "figureoutable", lol. She actually used that word. Not to mention the fact, it didn't seem to bother her if the machines weren't cleaned out. When I was in high school I worked at Hardee's and every night we had to empty the shake machines and clean them out. I have a feeling that all those reviews that say it's dirty there and the toppings are all messed up are accurate. It also states that the froyo is from a powder mix made with water and it tastes awful. She's also charging a premium price because her customers are buying froyo from a top celebrity in the nation. I really can't wait until this place either gets shut down or simply goes out of business. She needs to stick with what she knows best......taking up the backside.

Btw, Sophia is DOOMED!!


Farrah will eventually run her business into the ground, because her ridiculous and unattainable expectations of people will never be met and the employees will be going in and out like a revolving door.

Dexter: I would give everything to feel nothing again.
