OT: Leah TM2

Leah just announced that she would be returning to College and I'm actually very proud of her and I hope she sticks with it. Catelynn and Tyler take notes.


Good for her. I believe it's never too late.


Good news..


I'll believe it when I see her follow through. Nothing personal towards her, and I hope she makes it for her sake as well as her daughters, but I've heard that from my own family members in the past and they almost always drop the ball. I think intentions are always good, but sometimes they're just biting off more than they can chew when they decide to try and reinvent themselves. Sometimes it's best to start small. (I don't keep up with the girls in the "off-season"; is she still on too many prescription pills? That would be a good place to start.)


Good for her, except I can see her being exactly like C&T...telling the world of their plans and then never actually following through with it.


To do what?

"Sometimes what I type doesn't make any sense because of the iPad."— By Me.


LOL. Is Leah going to be a nurse AGAIN?
