MovieChat Forums > Teen Mom (2009) Discussion > First season Ryans Dad

First season Ryans Dad

He says stuff like FOR THE FIRST TIME IN YALLS LIFE YALL NEED TO GET SERIOUS....Addressing ryan and maci. Yet ryan is the one without a job, has to be begged to watch Bentley without just leaving him with his mom, and is the one who goes out all the time. Maci is taking classes, has a job as a bartender, takes great care of Bentley, and has given Ryan too many chances. Why doesn't he address these questions and statements to RYAN? Also, i didn't like the weird interrogation he was giving her when she moved out. It really was out of line and made me like Ryans dad less.


I don't remember that season that much and I will have to look for this. Larry has definelty shown he is an amazing grandparent and treats Maci like gold.


Isn't that how Southerners talk, saying y'all instead of you?
