MovieChat Forums > Teen Mom (2009) Discussion > So, this is what people find entertainin...

So, this is what people find entertaining now?

You are using the unwanted pregnancies of teenagers as a source of entertainment? You sit on the couch & watch this because it cures your boredom? You should be absolutely ashamed of yourself, and so should anyone who finds this sort of "material" entertaining. It has a 3.5 & yet still has multiple seasons, it proves that TV networks will cater to people who are off the IQ spectrum & people who are pretty morally bankrupt.


You are the one messed upped. Go to Church with your sins instead of Teem Mom message boards.


It's so nice of you to roll over here from the Warcraft board to show us all your superior intelligence and taste in media. We desperately needed the guidance. Now that we've all been set straight you can go back to leveling your Orc and *beep* off. ;-)


I hope you get the help you desperately need.


What a tool.


Most reality television ratings on IMDb have low ratings, haha. Your complaint shouldn't be about the "Teen Mom" franchise, but reality tv in general. Your superiority is ironic when seeing what you choose for entertainment that we can see from your posting history. Glass houses, buddy.

Then reading your sentence about "off the IQ spectrum" is unintentionally hilarious. It's not some known idiom, so just a heads up: when you come up with a saying on your lonesome, make sure it makes sense next time. "Off the IQ spectrum" implies very high IQs, as low IQs aren't actually off of the spectrum! IQ tests go to zero, and since IQs can't be negative zero (off the spectrum), your attempt at an insult falls so very flat. Swing and a miss, Cookie.


But you somehow found your way to a message board for a show you supposedly are too smart to watch? Yea okay, that makes no sense. BTW, we can see what your watching too genius. Also, your IQ insult doesn't mean what you think it means, so I guess that would mean my IQ is actually higher than yours. Bye now!
