Catelynn is Lassie before the end of the movie
Someone really needs to take her out back.
She wants a horse for her anxiety?!
That's like me throwing a brick of C4 in my bathroom to kill a freaking spider.
This b*tch needs a reality check.
If I were Tyler I would kill her!
"I want to be able to ride my horsie whenever I want, and I want to bond with it, and feed it, and board it, and totally flipping neglect it until I remember I have a horsie to look at since I'll never learn how to ride, or actually tend to it. All I really want to do is impulsively buy another entity so as to fill the void left by giving my child up for adoption and the craptastic childhood I had and should be going to a therapist to work out, but instead I have this fat councilor lady who is batsh*t crazy and out of shape as I am. Wah! I'm a total mess! I want to move to the ocean so I can swim with a school of dolphins whenever I get an anxiety attack. And we have to buy the botttenose dolphins! I need to bond with it and learn to communicate with our aquatic brethren 'EEE-EE-EEE-EEEE!' ... you know, for anxiety."