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Catelynn is Lassie before the end of the movie

Someone really needs to take her out back.

She wants a horse for her anxiety?!

That's like me throwing a brick of C4 in my bathroom to kill a freaking spider.

This b*tch needs a reality check.

If I were Tyler I would kill her!

"I want to be able to ride my horsie whenever I want, and I want to bond with it, and feed it, and board it, and totally flipping neglect it until I remember I have a horsie to look at since I'll never learn how to ride, or actually tend to it. All I really want to do is impulsively buy another entity so as to fill the void left by giving my child up for adoption and the craptastic childhood I had and should be going to a therapist to work out, but instead I have this fat councilor lady who is batsh*t crazy and out of shape as I am. Wah! I'm a total mess! I want to move to the ocean so I can swim with a school of dolphins whenever I get an anxiety attack. And we have to buy the botttenose dolphins! I need to bond with it and learn to communicate with our aquatic brethren 'EEE-EE-EEE-EEEE!' ... you know, for anxiety."



Now princess Caitlyn wants a horsie.This chicks freaking nuts.


Lmao. She can't even roll out of her cocoon to take care of her baby, but she's gonna steadfastly tend to a horse? I hope Tyler says hell no. More money wasted on an impulse buy. Whatever happened to that poor frightened pig she purchased? Instead of dealing with her issues head on, she buys animals to fill the void. They don't need this kind of money because they are too irresponsible with it. In 10 years when Tyler is delivering pizzas while Cate is STILL wrapped in her cocoon, they're gonna think about the stupid purchases.


Maybe she should try making it to her important mental health doctor appointments and taking care of the child who lives with her and then think about getting a horse.


Just saw this story on Facebook and came here to see if anyone was talking about it yet lol. If the horse therapy works for her that's great, but there are ranches that provide that service which she can go to. It was even suggested to my husband for his PTSD, perhaps if she'd actually go to her appointments she would get the same advice. There is absolutely no need for her to BUY A HORSE. I don't think she realizes how expensive they are to maintain and feed, not to mention the training. Different horses are good for different things but they all need the proper training that neither I doubt her or Tyler are qualified for or dedicated enough to handle. That poor horse would sit alone in a stable somewhere until she sold it off to someone else. God I hope someone stops her.


Her starting off doing the volunteer time she said she didn't want to do would be really good for her. She learns how to groom (important) about their diets (important) taking care of their stalls (important) about their health (important) their temperament (important) and their senses (also important).

This way she'll learn about how much time, effort and. Consistency you need to be able take care of a horse. It's the same but also a lot different than taking care of a kid or baby. I think they can be more expensive than a bay or kid too. Because once a kid gets to a certain age you can stop with the formula & baby food and be like just eat what's on my plate. It also seems like a regular check up for vet appoints is more expensive than a regular check up for a human.

They're also herd animals, so her horse might like a friend or two.

This way she'll really think twice about getting one and if she could handle one or not.

"Sometimes what I type doesn't make any sense because of the iPad."— By Me.


My sister bought a horse for my niece to have for barrel racing because the horse she was using retired. She had learned all the stuff about grooming, diet, maintenance, boarding and all of that when she was renting a horse. The horse was decently priced and she traded book keeping services for boarding costs to the place she had been renting her old horse from and training at. Even with that covered, she was still paying close to a thousand a month for food and other stuff that was required to maintain the horse. After she had him for only 3 years, something happened to one of his legs and they had to take him to a special university to get fixed. After a very hefty bill, he was considered lame and they ended up giving him to the board facility as a grazer horse. Caitlyn is stupid if she thinks that she learned enough at equine therapy in treatment to maintain a horse of her own. She is going to end up flushing so much money down the drain and in the end she won't even have a horse to show for it because Tyler will probably make her get rid of it because she isn't taking proper care of it.


Hahaha!!! I laughed so hard at this post. But Cate has lost it! A Horse?! She can't even care for Pig or her own Daughter!


I have said this before and maybe it is mean to say but it's like she is mentally stuck at 16. Doesn't think things through at all.
People on Twitter warned her that she might not be ready for a child and she threw a ' I am 22 and I can do...' etc etc fit.

Fastforward a couple of months later and she is completely overwhelmed taking care of the babtand dumps Nova at April's.

Am I the only one whi thinks that April takes Nova so much because she feels guilty for Cate's childhood. It is like she is trying to make up for what she put Catelynn through.


Yess, I have thought April may be so willing to take in Nova often because of her own guilt about failing as a mother to Catelynn. April may also not have the capacity to realize the damage it is doing to Nova by Catelynn being such an absentee mother; She may have the mindset of, "Catelynn is not an angry, abusive drunk with multiple unhealthy romantic relationships like me... Catelynn is doing just fine." It's awful to think April could set the bar so low, but that may just be what is happening too.

I definitely think April's judgement may be governed by over-correcting due to guilt, and I think that's the bigger factor (or maybe the only factor). I think you're right about that. It also was not mean at all to suggst Catelynn is stuck at age 16. I think you're right about that too.


I honestly don't think April is capable of being that deep or having those kinds of intricate feelings. I think it's just a grandmother being a grandmother. If you see any grandmother with their grandchild, especially the babies, they are always super eager to spend as much time as they are allowed with them. Look at Jen and Larry with jayde, she isn't even biologically theirs and still, Jen jumps at the chance to take her from maci whenever she can. It's just a natural grandparent thing. Same as Farrah's mom smothering sophia.


O M G. I will have to check out that bull *beep* posting on FB. As said already on this thread, I was thinking how therapy working with horses could be a great thing for Catelynn to continue (as she did it in Arizona). To see her translates that into buying a horse for herself rather than visiting a ranch, completely confounds me. She is a train wreck.

First the pig, then the horse. How many expensive and impractical buys is this chick going to go do before she gets her *beep* together and commits to real treatment?! Heck, she actually already has done it with Nova, which is the most tragic thing to see. Cate thought having a baby would be fun, and then she tired of that, so it's just onto the next. If she has another child anytime soon, I'll cross over to full hated. She's already talked about having another, and it's a scary thought.

"Catelynn, stop trying to fill your life with things, including treating living beings like they are things for your amusement!" Gah, worst yet, she uses emotionally-driven topics for manipulation. "Oh, I need a horse for my mental illness." "I can't stop being morbidly obese because I may have another pregnancy soon." Her thought process is bassakwards.


She doesn't seem to separate overweight from pregnant. Being pregnant does not mean you are overweight, nor is it an excuse to pig out and put on the pounds just because you're gaining baby weight. Ideally, you want to be healthy when you conceive, and then continue to eat healthy throughout the pregnancy.

Didn't she have gestational diabetes with Nova? Odds are she would have it again with a future pregnancy, not to mention she runs the risk of passing it on to the baby. I'm surprised she's not diabetic in her current state. Mentally and physically, she is the last person who should be having a baby in the near future.


I agree!I just watched last week episode, and the fact that her and Tyler were discussing having more children is frighten! They both need to get their lives together first.
