Someone's jealous....
Hahaha oh Farrah. She's losing it over her mom having a new man in her life. She's so obviously jealous and you know she's thinking "how can my mom who's so stupid, lame, and older looking than me have someone, while me (who's so amazingly beautiful, smart, and perfect) can't get simon to buy a ring from me??"
Remember when she was dating daniel and said to him that she would know after a couple months of dating that she should know if they should get married, but she has the nerve to tell her mom that she wouldn't meet him until after a year. She even bought a stupid "engagement ring for herself" in that thrift store in austin with daniel, but she's losing it that her mom got engaged twice??
For years Farrah has done and said the most ridiculous crap I've ever heard, but she never fails to amaze me with her ability to be the most narcissistic, hypocritical person I've ever seen....