MovieChat Forums > Teen Mom (2009) Discussion > Producers need to write a book!

Producers need to write a book!

The producers seriously need to write a tell all book once they're done with this show. So many times (especially with Farrah) I'd love to know what they're really thinking in these moments, and moments we don't see. The looks on their faces especially when Farrah is freaking out over nothing or Cait is talking about her depression is priceless. I'm sure that for the sake of the show and the girls they don't voice their opinions, just film but I'd love to hear what they really think!


It would be awesome to read if they can. I have no desire whatsoever to read Matt's upcoming book, if he even finishes one.


Just like all the other teen moms, Matt will have a ghost writer.

These women can rarely string together one coherent sentence when they speak. Have you read what Farrah wrote about Froco? A plethora of grammatical errors.

He will have a book published but he won't be the one writing it. I won't buy it but there are plenty of women out there that hope lots of people will. They want the money for child support. One of his ex-wifes keeps saying that's why she hopes he's on the show for a long time. She gets a piece of his MTV paychecks. They are split up between many of his children's moms.

Btw, Sophia is DOOMED! !


Here's this one if you're interested, it's a few years old and not specifically about this show, but it's the same concept!


I'd love that. I love juicy secrets and behind the scenes stuff.


Me too!

At this point, the show is so scripted and edited to oblivion. It's very obvious and seems to silly most of the times. I am pretty sure the things that are actually going on in the real lives of these girls would be far more interesting than what is put out there for us to see. Now everyone is just following their script, and whatever narrative is suppose to be followed about their lives. Would love to see actual conversations, or hear some real honest thoughts coming from their mouths. Especially about each other!

I know the crew see and hear a completely different story than we get. And they have to deal with the various personality quirks of all the girls just to get some filming done. Like someone said earlier, it's funny to look on their faces when drama is happening. It would be very entertaining to hear their behind the scenes experiences. And also to clarify what is REALLY going on. I know they can't because they are a part of the MTV machine and have to go with the script as well.

It would make the show so much more engaging though to have some reality back.


I would totally read it.
The "Behind The Scenes" tell all's are the best.
I just read the one about what happened on the set of the movie, "Urban Cowboy " (I know, I know, but I love that movie). That tell all, although dated, was insane!!


What a great idea!
