MovieChat Forums > Teen Mom (2009) Discussion > Caitlyn and the horse

Caitlyn and the horse

So this is her new obsession for the week ? Pretending that it's "therapy " ? HAHAHHA is there room on the couch for a horse. She will lose interest in that within 3 weeks . Worry about your kid and give her a little attention you slug


THIS. Maybe if she put the time and effort into her own kid she'd feel better about herself.


It's not just about occupying her time.

Caitlyn literally has to make the mental decision that she wants to be healthy, productive, and stable.

It's not going to just appear out of nowhere while she attempts all these other things.

She has to make up her mind she doesn't want to be a POS anymore and then get to work.


Completely agree. She is losing it. Her personality in general now is just very weird. Her demeanor, the way she speaks, her negative vibe, just everything. Literally nothing like she used to be.

When her and Tyler were talking about it at the beginning, it was so awkward. Most of their scenes are painful to watch. They just seem so uncomfortable and miserable having to put up with each other.


Yes! I was trying to find some remnant of her bubbly personality, but it's gone.


When she said " I just need a connection" I feel like she and Tyler will likely break up eventually. Their scenes are awkward and miserable and I feel like their life together has played out. She needs a real therapist. The one she has does not seem very competent. The horse idea IS not good. She WILL lose interest and she needs to channel that interest into her child and her husband, and getting a job!


Seriously. How many more animals and forms of therapy does she think she needs? For someone who knows so much about mental health you'd think she'd recognize all she's doing is displacing and enabling her own self. She should check herself in for another 90 days.


The problem is she has a very strong victim mentality. When she went away for 30 days recently they reinforced the childhood Tramua dialogue that she wants to believe. Sorry! That's not it! She is a wreck over the Tramua of the adoption -- not her own mother. She needs to get very serious and quick about help for her problems or Tyler will leave her.


Yeah I think she was misdiagnosed or she is lying about it..


Yes, she just loves playing the victim, it's sickening to watch. Playing the victim may be a way for her to get her way now, but it's going to push Tyler and everyone else away eventually.


Catelynn's knowledge of mental health is limited to that which can give credibility to her excuses.


Bravo! Spot on.


Tyler knows thus too, that's why he is suggesting she pay to ride a horse for $30 whenever she wants. Cos he knows she will lose interest, he even brought up the pig lol
I think it's a smart idea, like go volunteer at the stables, brushing and feeding the horses and then ride whenever, I think taking care if the horses will be better therapy than actual riding


When Tyler suggests volunteering at a stable, Catelynn says no. "I want to buy a horse so I know its mine and I can go ride it whenever I want. And I can bring it to my house whenever I want. And if I have a panic attack, I don’t have to pay $30 dollars and go with somebody, I can just jump on my horse and go wherever I want to.”

But..."I want...I want...I want...I want..."

Whatever Catelynn wants, Catelynn gets.


She just tweeted that she that she did buy a horse.


OMG, I feel bad for the horse then. If she thought a pig was to much to handle, a horse is way over her head to take care of! My property is designed for horses, have a stall, tack room and grazing paddocks, but I know how overwhelming it would be to keep one here and we are not ready to have one yet. Feeding, grooming, veterinarian bills, shoeing all that stuff costs a lot of time and money. Hopefully she is boarding it full time and someone else will look after it.


This is borderline Animal Abuse.


JJandS, I was thinking the exact same thing. This is why so many horses are now in sanctuaries - their people either could not or would not feed them. Horses are expensive. And every so often I come across an awful story of a horse that has been starved.





Yeah I couldn't believe they were letting her run around without any bottoms on at all. How could you manage to miss (or not care about) the fact that your child is nearly naked.. and on television, no less. Ugh.


Maybe the horse will love her after she drives Tyler away

And there Cate goes again, assigning a "job" to a living thing she intends to bring into her life. The biggest living thing I ever brought into my house was a cat, but nowhere in my mind was the thought "it will love me"... I thought it would be nice to have something else alive in the house and I think cats have cool personalities and I didn't want a dog I would have to walk in the rain, but I was entirely willing to let the critter have her own personality and whatever would be, would be. (She ended up with the nickname "Velcro Kitty" so yeah, she did end up loving me, but that wasn't a requirement... I'd have kept her forever anyway as long as her "thing" wasn't wrecking the place.)


Catelynn: I just really want that connection with something I can take care of, I want to be responsible for something...

The camera pans to her toddler daughter playing alone on the floor.



You hit the nail on the head, @jtrafalgar.... exactly what happened and it said it all.

Sweet Nova playing alone on floor.


I think Cate doesn't feel a connection with anyone anymore. She never felt one with her parents with the way they treated her. Now her and Tyler's connection is sketchy and she obviously hasn't bonded with Nova. She gave up the pig. So now that leaves a horse. I think she thinks that she has to start a new connection vs repairing the relationships she has.


I don't have kids so I really don't know from experience, but isn't the mother-child bonding thing supposed to happen very early on... like, say, while Cate was shipping Nova off to April's several times a week? Cate may have shot herself in the foot right there.


Catelynn had the baby Nova (god that is a stupid name) to fill what she saw as a void left by Carly.

The problem is that Catelynn is projecting her victim-hood via MTV and their coddling.

I really don't think she has that severe of a mental or emotional problem and it's actually more of a victim-hood problem.

I can easily tell this because she is so fickle, she allows herself, and permits herself to be a weak mess, so that people like that fat dumb ass producer, mtv, her family, the people she speaks to on her ridiculous tours, Tyler, etc. all feel bad for her. See, I'm kind of like an armchair psychologist, and I've gotten really good at it, and I determine that Caitlynn allows herself to be in such a state so that she can feel worth. It's not that hard to understand. Her whole life she has found being the victim has worked for her. Think about it. It's gotten her Tyler's sympathy, MTVs, and people who watch the show and buy her *beep* But I don't buy her *beep* not at all.

Caitlynn doesn't have any real issues. That's why she's going in circles with her councilor, because in reality she doesn't have this horrible depression, probably anxiety, but as I said earlier she permits this.

This is all learned behavior on Caitlynn's part, that's why I've been so vocal about Tyler putting a foot and reality in her big ass. Tyler is her biggest encouragement of bad behavior. He allows it while also giving her a family or co-signing everything she does by being a total push over.

Caitlynn won't get help until she realizes she's creating all the anxiety and depression in her own life.

It has nothing to do with her giving up Carly for adoption, which I know many of you wrongly believe. It really has to do with her being rewarded for being a victim, rewarded by MTV for having a child and giving it up, becoming semi-famous from it, creating a source of income, and giving her a soap box to preach from while absorbing people's sympathy.

She's like a retarded vampire bat.


It really has to do with her being rewarded for being a victim, rewarded by MTV for having a child and giving it up, becoming semi-famous from it, creating a source of income, and giving her a soap box to preach from while absorbing people's sympathy.

I can't argue with any of this. She's changed so much... she used to be a nice kid who didn't think only of herself all the time. And Tyler is a super-enabler, but she's got him right where she wants him by telling him he's not allowed to say anything critical to her because of her supposedly fragile condition.

I have a close family member whose wife pulled this crap and once she realized it worked, she kept on doing it. And he keeps enabling, walking on eggshells, spoon-feeding her and acting like her personal handservant. She used to be completely self-sufficient before people started saying "poor you", but she turned into someone (just like Cate) who would threaten a "panic attack" if you dared tell her anything she didn't want to hear. I can barely stand to be in the same room with her anymore, but what she is is largely his fault, unfortunately.

ETA: Oh, good lord... I just got back from lunch and I realize I'm drinking out of a cup from Wendy's that has the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption advertised on it, along with a letter from an adopted kid thanking her adoptive mother for wanting her!


I really enjoyed when she said she got the pig because she thought it would stay small and it "would be something for her to take care of". Hey Catelynn, why don't you worry about taking care of your child who is still small you lazy, annoying cow. Tyler needs to leave that self-pitying piece of *beep* asap.
