Does anyone on this show cook?? Really, everyone is eating out of take out containers or sitting in a restaurant. I am not against eating out but all the time? It can't be healthy for the kids. Is it any wonder some of them have weight issues?
I'm pretty sure MTV sets up these little food moments so that they can get the participants to babble on with their drama.
If they allowed them to cook for themselves that would be to functional and take too much time for the camera's to wait around.
This isn't a cooking show it's a show based on drama.
So therefore they skip the whole lets be a functional family that provides and take care of one another, instead just order so *beep* mexican fast food so they can talk about catelynn's weight while she gains 3 more pounds and then lets drive the conversation so it dehumanizes her to.
MTV is really scummy.
And when they showed the producer tell Tyler he was "harsh" i wanted to hit her in the face with a shovel; like, bitch, you're exploiting these idiots and you're worried about something that goes right over their heads anyway. ugh gross.
When you got someone sitting there talking about their weight while shoving 1/2 a pound of quesadilla in their face, it's a little bit of a "WTH"? moment. When there's kids that are obviously not that active but eat the same fatty foods their parents eat, that's a recipe for disaster. Farrah is supposed to be this wonderful chef but she's always eating out of a Styrofoam container and Maci is just as bad.
By they way, I will make any observation I want. That's what this board is for. Discussions. Who cares you ask? I do.
I seriously think food is the least of all their problems. Most wealthy and rich people order out all meals. It's not necessarily a bad thing. It's convenient.
Lol. They do? Really? What are you basing that presumption on? Television and movies?
Rich people are mostly just regular people too. They want to live normal lives and cook at home just as much as anyone else. And poor people order out plenty as well.
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People that are rich and wealthy have better things to do than stand over a hot stove. It's unbelievable how one poster can twist something around and take it personal. Intelligence is not overreacting and nitpicking everything a poster writes.
Poor people cannot afford to order out. Maybe they walk to the local fast food joint. I'm talking about real food.
People that are rich and wealthy have better things to do than stand over a hot stove.
Believe it or not, many people actually enjoy cooking and like to have control of what goes into their food, regardless of their financial status.
In fact, I would venture to say that "rich and wealthy" people are more likely to be in that category, partially because they can afford to cook a nice meal every night.
P.S. I'm sure "rich and wealthy" people like Amber and Catelynn have much better things to do than stand over a hot stove. Like keeping their couches nice and warm.
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I agree. I think we've seen Farrah heat up a microwave pizza several seasons ago. 99% of the time they're eating at a sit-down restaurant. I wish they'd actually show them making dinner sometime. It wouldn't take a long time, just show a 10 second clip of them making it and putting in on the table. I'm sure all the restaurant meals are paid for by MTV.
I'm surprised Farrah can even eat considering she has two giant slimy slugs plastered to her face. Even then, I'm pretty sure her diet consists mostly of d*ck anyways.
Well you haven't been paying attention, because I saw Maci making macaroni cheese from scratch and another time she made rice. I saw Catelynn making a grilled cheese sandwich. I've never seen Amber cook but then she is a meth head. I've never even seen Farrah eat.
You've never seen Farrah eat? I think you're the one not paying attention. And you think Amber is on meth? Interesting. Amber is overweight and glued to her couch and/or bed. Really not conducive to the effects of a major stimulant like meth.