Ryan's girlfriend

I was surprised to see Ryan had a girlfriend and it was interesting to see him actually opening up to her, rather than the typical one word answers he usually gives. She doesn't really look like his type, but then again I don't really know what his type is.


She was a little heavy (not at all fat but just heavier than the others girls he's dated in the past) and that surprised me a lot.


A little heavy? I didn't see that at all.


Thick? A little thick is better. I felt bad for putting heavy when i posted it.


I agree. She looked older to me. Not as pretty as his past girlfriends but let's be honest, Ryan is no prize himself anymore lol.


Yeah, I used to think Ryan was smokin' hot! He's aged like 15yrs in the past 5 and it's not just the grey hair.


Word. Now he seems like someone I would get my kids away from at the grocery store with those crazy eyes of his!


And already llivin w him....


I didn't want to be mean but she definitely doesn't seem like his type. His gf's are usually thinner and...prettier. Sorry. He seems to jump from one relationship to another. I wonder if he is depressed. He seems like it at times. He doesn't seem like he likes being alone. Ryan is definitely a mystery regarding so many things.


I agree. His newest girlfriend is rather homely-looking. I remember that time when Maci met up with Ryan and his girlfriend (at the time) for Spring Break, and his girlfriend was much cuter.


Ryan doesn't wanna be alone, and that's apparent. He looked sad when his parents said they wanted him to have more kids and settle down.


I thought the same thing, but then I remembered he's aged a lot and doesn't look as attractive as he once was, either. So I guess it makes sense that he's not getting the hottest girls anymore. And the way he acts was fine in his early 20s, but not as he's nearing 30. No wonder the girls aren't exactly flocking to him these days. His new gf seems nice and might be good for him.


His new girlfriend seemed really nice. Hopefully it lasts.


Same, she seemed good for him. People are mean.. who cares about her looks/weight? Jesus.


I don't get how he manages to keep getting girlfriends??

Joey F. Jeremiah, that's F for pharmacy.
