MovieChat Forums > Teen Mom (2009) Discussion > Sophia, Farrah, Debra.

Sophia, Farrah, Debra.

I'm not a fan of any of the three of them and Sophia is a spoiled, poor mannered child but, was impressive when she respectfully responded to Farrah's request for feedback by saying she's rude. Farrah completely denied it and shut her down. Why even ask then? When Sophia went to Debra with food and hugs, that was truly sweet. Im.appalled by Farrah's behavior. I've seen her cuss her mom out, insult her, etc but this one takes the cake. She called her vulgar names, sent her outside like dog, and banished her to her bedroom. God have mercy on her. Debra wasn't a peefect mom but she's treated like garbage.


She's trapped now unless she can make her own money. She has been riding Farrah's gravy train for a while now and even though she helps with Sophia, it's not enough to constitute her being there. Farrah said herself she could cut Deb out of her life and no one would even remember her. She is head case for sure. It's no secret that I am no fan of Sophia's but I did feel bad for her in that episode. It probably hurt her to hear her grandma talked to like that. That was pretty harsh. I think she has grown up a little and realized that Farrah's behavior is not normal. I know she's only 6/7 years old but kids are perceptive. I still think there was something edited out by MTV. I can't see why in the world she would go from 0-60 like that. I could be wrong though.


Farrah goes off on people like that all the time. On every show she's ever been on she has gone from 0 to 100 in seconds. Have you seen her on other shows?


Yep. But there could be something leading up to it that we didn't see. The episode with the truck was definitely edited. If you hear her at first she was asking about the gas tank and then we cut to the back of the truck and they are in mid-conversation about that lift thingy. Very easy to tell.


I'm not talking about Teen Mom. I'm talking about all the other shows she's been on and one that was aired live. No editing. Celebrity Big Brother. You could watch her blow up in one second flat.


Nope. I don't watch those shows.


I just noticed now how they all have that A sound in their names at the end.

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