Catelynn and money

She has no sense of money!! Tyler is worried about the cost of fixing the home and she is like just do it, I need to get in here. I love how it doesn't phase her one bit that it will cost $15k! She is so far from reality and the fact that once this show ends, and their other show fails, they will be jobless with a lot of debt. I was so mad when Tyler was trying to talk to her about the house and she just kept changing the subject and focusing on other things. He seemed so frustrated with her and you can tell he is checked out, but doing it because of MTV and/or backlash from fans. I wish Tyler would man up and call her out!

Ugh they get paid way to much to be on this show! She doesn't blink and eye about wanting to spend $3k on a horse and then $15k on fixing the house, blows my mind, especially seeing where she came from!


The show has become an enabler to people like her. She never had anything. And the money she gets from MTV, she just has no idea how to manage it and keep it going until after the show ends. She never had a real job. Both of them. It's so sad.

"I never hear you speak and when you do you apologize for saving me?"


I thought the same thing about her idea of money. She doesn't bat an eye at tossing 15k into renovations, or thousands on horses and pigs, etc. while Tyler is trying to budget and save and you know, use common sense. I know they both didn't have a lot growing up (her more so since Kim seems like she had it more together than April), so now that she has money she just spends willy-nilly on whatever pops into her head, but she is in for a big wake-up call down the road.


She's like Leah. She literally think money grows on trees.


She's going to be in for a world of hurt when the show ends and/or Tyler finally leaves. She's clueless and I don't think she's ever going to be willing to work whereas I see Tyler delivering pizza or something when the money is out. Just watch, she's going to end up living with April again, weighing 250 pounds, still whining about her childhood and playing the victim.


She'll be on 'My 600 LB life' next


If she can afford groceries.


I hate knocking people for their weight but Catelynn is so lazy and has the time and money to not get like that but based on the way she looks, she's already pretty close to 250lbs.


Cha, she looks more like 300. Not hating, just stating.



So so true. She mentioned some HGTV stuff and he said "yea well that doesn't make me feel better" lol. He gets a bad wrap for his interactions with her but I think he's being as nice as he can be to her under the circumstances. He is definitely the more mature and logical thinking one out of the two. He likes to figure out solutions while she is an avoider, with everything in her life. How will they maintain this home when the money is gone. They are gonna be reality tv jumpers. Im telling you. They are gonna be on every sleazy show there is.


I know the horse is 3000 bucks but does anyone know how much the -maintenace' costs are of keeping a horse..

150-200 bucks per month for food etc..?


It ranges. I think the guy she met with said he'd charge $200/mo for just boarding, but if you want places to do more maintenance then it can go up to $600-1000 a month.


Thanks for answering.:))

200, 600-1000 bucks.. Man is Cate going to be sorry when that sweet MTV money is gone.
