MovieChat Forums > Teen Mom (2009) Discussion > When Farrah talks....

When Farrah talks....

about how happy she is, and how she never gets upset (even WHILE she is getting upset), do you think SHE really believes it? I mean, how can she hang on to that lie when she can clearly watch herself exploding over and over on tv?


She thinks others believe it. I think she believes it herself.
Look at how many people believe that she was in a relationship with Derrick when she was pregnant with Sophia. Not only were they not a couple but she was even lying to him about not being pregnant. He didn't find out until she was 6 months along.
She got a new cell phone so he couldn't call her. Deb blocked his number from their home landline. And Farrah planned on being a single mom all along. She had no intention of having him in her life. His name was only shown as "Farrah's Ex" on "16 and Pregnant" and only his voice was heard.

Then when she started dating shortly after giving birth, she decided she wanted to find a father for Sophia. She said because the father wasn't in the picture. Never said Derrick's name or the fact that he was dead. Absolutely no mourning.

She believes her lies about her DUI as well. She claims she was actually a victim of the police department mishandling her actions.
Then there's the fake bf who didn't show up for "Couple's Therapy". The sex tape lie, the lies about the Vivid tour, lies about how she's always the victim. She believes all those lies so it leads me to believe she has convinced herself that she's happy too.

Since she has so many mental health issues, she might not even know what real happiness feels like.
What we think of as happiness and what she thinks of it, could be two completely different feelings.
I think Farrah feels joy and empowerment when she is rude to others. She feels like she has put them "in their place" and proven she's smarter and better than them.
She's delusional.

Did you see her on Dr. Phil? I don't watch his show but watched that episode on youtube. She fought with him when he questioned her lies. She was upset that he didn't buy her being a "victim". It showed how she will continue to lie, no matter what, and believe it, no matter what.
Sorry for the rant.

Btw, Sophia is DOOMED! !


Excellent points. I think that over time, Farrah developed a persona and "acting" has become her new norm. I doubt she is ever real. The girl you saw on 16 and Pregnant is about as close as anyone could see the true Farrah before the franchise became popular.

I think attaining things and materialism brings Farrah happiness or contentment. That is fleeting though, so she just has to keep getting more and more. Whether it's plastic surgery or businesses or moving a houses etc.


I agree and also think that Farrah believes that money/possessions are the root of happiness/success. She believes that we, as viewers, judge her and are jealous of what she has and does.
The tooth fairly money, buying Sophia several meals, are examples of how her mind works differently.
Deb has said that people who speak poorly of Farrah do it because they are jealous of her.

Well, Deb, there is not ONE single aspect of Farrah's life that I am envious of or would want in my life.

Could you be paid enough to turn into Farrah? Would anyone want her personality?
If I was Farrah, in order to live with myself, I would have to lie constantly to overcome what a miserable excuse of a human being I truly was.
I don't know how anyone could find a redeeming quality about her.

Btw, Sophia is DOOMED! !


Most of the time Farrah is ridiculous, a silly, vapid person of no substance. But sometimes I just feel sorry for her. She wants so desperately to come across as sophisticated ("...there will be catering, a mini-bar, all the time, because that's just how I do it..."), but she's so ignorant and totally non-self-aware that it makes me cringe. Her dreadful mother is just as creepy. Poor Sophia.


Why would there be a mini bar and catering at a furniture store? I have never heard of that or seen that before.

"Sometimes what I type doesn't make any sense because of the iPad."— By Me.


At least she isn't putting FroYo in the furniture stores, as far as we know anyway...

;If Hillary gave him [Obama] one of her balls, theyd both have two


I think she thinks she can incorporate her cooking expertise into selling furniture. She is so incredibly naive. I doubt any of her businesses with flourish.

She has ideas, but nothing that is innovative or hasn't been done before. I guess adding a mini bar is new and might get people to spend more money easily in the store. I have no idea what she thinks she knows about furniture.


People shop or peruse because they are curious about her infamy, not because they are great businesses owned by a great owner. When the show is done and curiosity fades, so will her businesses.
