MovieChat Forums > Teen Mom (2009) Discussion > Not to defend Farrah

Not to defend Farrah

But if I remember correctly, (according to Farrah) Kiana was the one who called Farrah and asked if she could clean the machines. She claimed she knew what she was doing and Farrah finally gave in. Kiana soon realized she was in over her head and started blowing up Farrahs phone because she couldn't do it as well as she originally thought.

If that was really the case then I could see why Farrah had a reason to be frustrated. If I told an employee no and they kept pushing to do it and ended up with me having to do something I didn't want to do right then in the first place I'd be a little irritated too.


I'm not sure how it went down, but I was under the impression Kiana was basically asking for Farrah to come to the shop to show her how to do it again, but Farrah didn't want to bother so told her to leave it alone. Kiana, possibly understanding how time works (unlike Farrah), knew it would be difficult to do it all the next day so that's why she attempted to do it herself when Farrah made it clear she wouldn't be coming to help that night.

I can understand Farrah being frustrated with an employee that doesn't appear to listen. But I can understand Kiana being frustrated with a boss who clearly doesn't understand time or how things actually need to operate in order to be efficient.


100% agree with everything you said.


Hypothetically, I can understand a boss getting frustrated by an employee insisting on something and then not being able to do the job. However, I still go back to "was the machine just not going to get cleaned before the next shift?" I think they're supposed to be cleaned daily. I think that's why she nudged Farrah to go in that direction, but she couldn't figure it out.

I still thinks there's something we didn't see. The actual termination made no sense, and even what we did see, it seemed to be edited too much.


Right, I'm sure they didn't show half of what went on. I have no idea how often those machines are supposed to be cleaned tbh. Once daily seems like a lot considering how many are in one of those stores. I doubt Farrah knows or cares how often to clean them though.


When I was in high school I worked at Hardee's and the shake machines HAD to, by law, be cleaned out EVERY night.

Btw, Sophia is DOOMED! !


They are supposed to be cleaned out every night, according to health code laws.


Good thing I don't run that type of business then because I had no idea!


I bet Kiana told (or tried to tell) Farrah that the machines needed to be cleaned, but knowing Farrah she talked over her or ignored her, because Farrah knows best. I think Farrah is the type that would cut corners because she didn't like or understand the reasoning behind things, and it didn't feel efficient to her. She cares about looks, but not much beyond that. I wouldn't eat at Froco.


I think the truth is alittle in between both stories. I think Kiana did say she would be able to do it (but Farrah was already mad that she called an woke her up). Also I think shes the same person that worked at the place when it was owned by someone else, so I think she must know what she's doing some what. Still can see her being frustrated but she should also think its a good thing that an employee is trying to do more, even if she failed at it.

Honestly when I saw the scene when Farrah was talking to her dad, she made sure to point out that Kiana called and woke her up, so I felt like she was more mad that her "beauty" sleep was interrupted!!


It is clearly evident in Farrah's disposition that it is 100 percent Farrah's fault. She is so nasty and treats people like they are total idiots. I fell so bad for that girl. I hope she got a decent paycheck from MTV for being part of the Froco establishment. Farrah is a nightmare.


I checked out the review on yelp and one of them said that the employees seemed clueless, seemed like they weren't properly trained, and one of them didn't know how to fix a machine. So not surprising one of these employees might've been kiana( the machine part, not the other parts.). There were also complaints about her yelling at employees in front of the customers.

"Sometimes what I type doesn't make any sense because of the iPad."— By Me.


Honestly when I saw the scene when Farrah was talking to her dad, she made sure to point out that Kiana called and woke her up, so I felt like she was more mad that her "beauty" sleep was interrupted!!

I like how mad she was about that like, its a frozen yoghurt place it closes at what like 10Pm? Its not like she was calling her at 2 in the morning after closing down a bar or something lol.


I do think that we didn't see exactly how it unfolded, but given that Kiana worked at the last froyo place, I think she knew what needed to be done, and Farrah doesn't. I think Kiana was trying to be efficient because cleaning the machines is an important part of the process. Farrah likely even assumed Kaina, working at the last place, knew how to do it, and when Kiana didn't, Farrah was ticked... mostly because her beauty sleep was interrupted.

If a machine needs cleaning, then it needs cleaning. Was Farrah going to come in early to do it? She didn't claim that. Interestingly, Farrah thought prep in the morning should take five minutes. My guess is cleaning of the machines should happen at night. Farrah looked to not want it done at all, but Kiana, working at the last place, knew better. Given how filthy the place is, according to the Yelp comments, I don't think Farrah knows how do properly run this place. She certainly doesn't know how to manage.


The way Farrah describes any situation is not how it goes down ever. Tell me one time.


^^^^ Exactly, Farrah is incapable of telling the truth.

Btw, Sophia is DOOMED!!


Even if that was the case, that's not a good enough reason to fire someone.


When Farrah asked Kiana if she was intimidated by her being there, I just wanted to scream. Farrah has such delusions on how people view her.


I wonder if someone explained the word intimidated to her. She said of her cast mates in "Celebrity Big Brother" that they were, "interrogated by her intelligence", lol.
Even though it isn't true, at least she used the correct word. As delusional as it may be, she used the correct verb.


Uhh..interrogated means to question someone. They were questioned by her intelligence? Lmao


I'm betting she meant "intimidated" but Farrah doesn't know all words that start with 'i' and are kind of long don't mean the same thing. In general, the girl has no grasp on the English language.
