MovieChat Forums > Teen Mom (2009) Discussion > Matt should sue Farrah for defamation

Matt should sue Farrah for defamation

Look I'm no fan of Matt but I read another comment from Farrah referring to him as a pedophile. Regardless of what you think of him, it is just wrong to state something like that in public without any evidence. It can seriously damage someone's reputation and could possibly even ruin their life. I think it would be hilarious if Matt sued her and/or Simon if they continue saying that in public or on social media. Not only do those two need to understand that calling someone a pedophile based on how they look isn't just an insult, it's a serious accusation with potentionally serious repercussions but having a judgment placed on her would really brighten my day. She would have to fork over some of her "hard" earned back door money and could possibly have to make a formal apology and we all know how much she would hate that. I would get great joy in that.


I can hear Farrah now..."I'm being sued for defecation!"


I've seen maybe one or two episodes of this show because my friend watches it but what I've read about her the girl seems like classless bitch



"The world evolves arounds me"

-Farrah Abraham




Yeah he should sue. He won't though because a) he probably has enough of court cases to attend lol b) gotta play the 'Poor Matt' routine.

Poor Matt; he is a good guy actually. Poor Matt; misunderstood and being called a pedophile now. Trust me; he is revelling in the attention and playing the victim.

He is not going to sue Farrah. He has the 'upper hand' now..


Yes, he loves the "Poor Matt" routine.
He helped create all these kids that didn't ask his permission to be born. And their mom's actually have the audacity to ask him to man up to his responsibilities. Poor Guy! Lol
But would be funny if he sued Farrah.


I said that too, that he should sue them, rightfully so. Is it defamation or libel where you have to prove it caused you harm or emotional distress? I always mix the two up. Matt is scummy but there has never been anything in his past or present that indicates he is a sexual predator. It's pretty childish for Farrah and Simon to even go there.
