MovieChat Forums > Teen Mom (2009) Discussion > So Catelynn thinks anything to do with T...

So Catelynn thinks anything to do with TV is what makes them "work"

That's great that Tyler is doing the MTV special or series where he helps people find their loved ones but I think when Vanessa asked what do they have planned for the future I think she meant it in the way Amber and Maci answered the question like having a job outside of the show. Not TV specials. There's going to be a day that maybe MTV won't be calling just like how Jersey Shore got cancelled and so many long running MTV shows.

"I never hear you speak and when you do you apologize for saving me?"


But even Maci never said what she does when Vanessa asked what are their jobs. Amber was the only one that was specific. Maci just said she "works" lol. Id hardly consider that pleather pocket t shirt biz a real job. It's a novelty pet project while the show is on. I wanted to grab Cate and choke her fat neck when she said she was a stay at home mom and that was her full time job. She certainly has the staying home part down, but she is hardly a mom, only in name. She lays wrapped like a burrito 24/7 while her daughter roams the house playing with huge dogs in the middle of the floor while Tyler is holding down the fort. It's like he has two daughters in the home. Tyler was completely
in awe to see her standing upright and washing
dishes lol. That's sad that your husband is in awe
of just seeing you wash a dish, that means it's few and far between. She has all the energy in the world to go to concerts, ComicCon, and fun vacations but when it's time to be a mom and wife "My mental illness ruins everything" lol. She is a professional victim.


This is not PC but I watched the 'I want a horsie' clip and I felt like punching her.

It's one thing to not make very smart decisions but her acting entitled while doing so annoys the heck out of me.


It is "stay at home moms" like her that make people think that actual stay at home moms are all worthless and lazy.


Right. Ive been a stay at home mom and worked/went to school at the same time. I was at home with my son on/off for the first 4 years with him. Id make breakfast, we'd watch his favorite shows, we ran errands, I took him on play dates, to the library for story time. She lays in bed all day watching Netflix and eating while Tyler herself plays mom and dad. She's pathetic.


I love how she answered by saying what TYLER was going to be doing, not her, lol. Being a SAHM isn't so hard for her, as Tyler is also there doing half or more of the work.

Dexter: I would give everything to feel nothing again.


I love how she answered by saying what TYLER was going to be doing, not her, lol. Being a SAHM isn't so hard for her, as Tyler is also there doing half or more of the work.

To be fair, they only really need one MTV check.


Haha calico. I was going to say the same thing. Notice how she said TYLER has been working hard with the new show. Not her.
