MovieChat Forums > Teen Mom (2009) Discussion > Amber on the finale special

Amber on the finale special

With the exception of what she said about Farrah, which was pretty right on the money, she acted very foolish tonight.
First of all, she is gonna feel so stupid when it all ends with Matt.
And as far as Gary, yes he has been a jerk before. He was not wrong tonight. What he was saying did seem to have Leah's best interest at heart. He has been a control freak before, but don't think he was tonight.
If anything, I think Amber threw a temper tantrum because she hates having to ask Gary's permission to see their daughter. But it is what it is and her bad choices made it how it is.
She needs to get over it and take the time she can with Leah.


When Dr.Drew told her to not get defensive it was a clear look inside how her brain works. She's balls to the walls psycho.


Dr. Drew is not my favorite. Hate how he coddles these girls. But in that instance, Amber was so rude and disrespectful.
He just asked if she was in any kind of program for her addictions. And she came back with "YOU KNOW I AM NOT!!" Or something to that effect. Then she continued to be bitchy about it.
Many of these girls on TM1 and TM2 have gotten too big for their own pants.
Guess she doesn't realize if not for MTV (including Dr. Drew), she would probably be living in some low income housing,on welfare, and eating canned beans.
Can't wait to see where her smart a$$ is 5-10 years after this show ends. And I got news for her, Matt will be long gone!!
And although I don't think anyone should be rude or disrespectful, Dr. Drew has allowed them to act any way they have wanted for years.
It is like bratty kids that are never disciplined. Don't be shocked when they only get worse.


I agree. Dr drew is too soft in his approach which I think makes him popular to a lot of people. He's like the total opposite of Dr.Phil.

I think a huge reason both TM and TM2 cast are so entitled and have all these problems is because of the semi fame/attention and money they got at such a young age for such an unusual reason - being pregnant at 16.

You're spot on!


I agree. She was 100% right about Farrah and it was nice to hear someone calling her out, but the way she acted towards Gary was ridiculous. Honestly she acted drunk. I can't believe dr drew didn't call her out. He's such a crook.


She did seem like she was under the influence of something... she was just so angry and confrontational about everything, like back when she was using. Like Dr. Drew said, no wonder Gary is afraid to let Leah be alone with her. SHe is very unstable emotionally.


Dr.Drew will tell the truth when the person isn't directly in front of him. He's so non-confrontational. Even when he asked April of she was sober, it was such a joke. I'm sure she is drinking and smoking weed. She was even shown smoking weed with Catelynn when they went to pick up the pig. Yet, he will never bring it up. You know, real evidence contradicting what she says.


Dr. Drew can be a real push over! But he did not deserve Amber's disrespect!!
She thinks she is so cool or something. I got news for her.


Agreed. He absolutely deserves respect because he always is respectful of others. Especially when it comes to what the person wants to reveal. When she popped off about Farrah to Dr.Drew he looked almost speechless and taken aback. Amber is most definelty on something. It's very reminicient of how she was when she was full on using. Angry and confrontational.


"If anything, I think Amber threw a temper tantrum because she hates having to ask Gary's permission to see their daughter. But it is what it is and her bad choices made it how it is.
She needs to get over it and take the time she can with Leah."

This. You hit the nail on the head. Gary has played games and been manipulative in the past, but since getting with Kristina, he's improved greatly. Amber just wants what she wants and hates that she has to get Gary's permission for things, even though he's being reasonable and accommodating to her, especially considering she doesn't show up half the time. Yes, she made sacrifices like going to jail when she knew she couldn't stay clean and rehab wasn't working, but the choices she made put her in the situation she's in now. No changing the past, time to start putting in the effort with building trust and consistency with Gary and Leah, and go from there.
