
It drives me crazy too see Leah in her car seat but the seatbelt is behind her. They have their seatbelts on correctly so she should too...


My son used to try and do that sometimes when I wasn't looking but I got on him and told him that wasn't very safe and he doesn't do it anymore.


It's every scene she it's in the car with her. She is turning around talking to her but doesn't notice that her seatbelt isn't on correctly? It drives me nuts..lol


I've noticed several people on the show -- grown-ups included -- with the shoulder strap of the seat belt either behind them or worn under the arm. I'm old, so lap belts were all we had when I was their age, but geez... imagine getting into an accident and having no upper-body restraint. Maybe it messes with the microphones, but they're crazy not to wear their seat belts properly. For the kids it should be an absolute no-brainer.
