Anyone else notice

April taking like NO responsibility for her actions in the past and how that had lifelong affects on Cate? I think she is lazy and self loathing but it would be nice for April to acknowledge that her treatment of her daughter was cruel and devastating. April just sat there grinning like a Cheshire Cat. Uh hello? You were a neglectful abusive addict up until a few years ago, like very recently. That doesn't have anything to do with your kid's issues today? I felt bad for Cate that time they went prom dress shopping and April was berating her and calling her names. And what kind of *beep* dad leaves his child, in another state no less, with a parent like April. On another note, I love that Kim is on to Cate and isn't afraid to say so. She always knew Cate was a lazy slug.


I found it odd at first, but hasn't she already acknowledged that she was abusive to Catelynn in numerous therapy sessions and treatment programs over the years? I feel like at this point, she's just over being blamed for everything. At a certain point in your adult life, you need to act like a grownup (and parent in Cate's case), and understand that while your childhood has taken a toll, you need to move forward and better your life yourself without just going back to the past or passing the buck. Too many people enable Cate.

Also, she did not look too happy when they were showing Kim's clips LOL.


I agree with this. Everybody always wants to blame other people for their problems. I am not saying that Cate didn't have a difficult childhood. Clearly, being with April was not the most ideal situation. However, she is at a way different place in her life now. She could change so much but she doesn't make the effort for herself.


I agree but I think she should have at least said something along the lines "I know I wasn't the best and we have acknowledged that" but to just sit there grinning and place it all on her dad leaving was a cop out. That *beep* needs to be called out too. He pretty much left Cate to fend for herself while he started a new life in Fl with a new family.


Yeah, I never understood her father. He seemed pretty stable and together when Catelynn was a teenager while April was in the worst of addiction, and he had basically no substantial role in her life.


Spot on. There comes a time when you accept responsibility for your own life despite whatever adversity you have faced or bad hand you've been dealt. These people are like snowflakes. Spoiled brats that just sit in despair and whine and cry to get their way or escape blame. It's pathetic and the reason they are not successful.
