MovieChat Forums > Teen Mom (2009) Discussion > and weed is supposed to be good for you ...

and weed is supposed to be good for you huh?

Look at Catelynn. Obese, depressed, filthy house, filthy neglected baby, never gets off the couch, won't even entertain the idea of a job, miserable as sin, I haven't even seen her ever read a book and I bet she never has sex. If you watch her in the early seasons she wasn't always like that, sure she's always been fat though. Just because weed is legal now doesn't mean you should do it. Its only legal because stupid lazy people are easier to control.


Can you imagine Tyler being aroused by a fat depressed lump? He probably cheats on her.


He probably cheats on her

If he hasn't yet he probably and Cate will stay with him regardless..


"It's only legal because lazy people are easier to control"

Wow you sure know a lot about everything don't you? First you know what every person of Syrian heritage looks like and now you know everything about weed. I don't know if you're aware but sweeping generalizations are not facts.


I smoke marijuana almost everyday and I look nothing like Catelynn nor act anything like her. My house is clean. I go to work 5 days a week for 8 hours. I pay my bills. Marika just enchances the person you already are. When I smoke weed, I notice things more clearly like if I see 5 dishes in the sink, it just makes me want to wash them and organize them. Things are more funny or sad when I watch TV. I'll walk in my hallway and I'll notice a crooked picture or painting. I'm very anal and when I'm high I become more anal. I'll actually sit down and reorganize my DVD collection. Catelynn was a lazy pig before marijuana and it only enhanced her personality.

"I never hear you speak and when you do you apologize for saving me?"


Exactly. I'm a regular smoker and have been for like 15 years and I'm nothing like Catelynn and never have been. Like you said, Catelynn was lazy before, it's just her personality. Weed didn't cause it and she'd be the same way if she didn't smoke. The OP is clearly ignorant on the subject since they believe everyone who smokes is a stereotypical stoner who does nothing but sit on the couch with the munchies all day.


Catelynn is like that because of her depression and already lazy nature. Weed isn't making her like that. It just helps her care less over the fact that she is like that. What an ignorant post with zero facts or data to back up the ignorant statements.


My mom smoked weed for 30 years. Had a career, worked everyday, took care of the 5 of us, and was a size 6.


Isn't it amazing when you read comments like the OP because you understand that weed doesn't make someone's personality and the majority of us who do smoke live their lives just like those who don't.


I am from Marihuana land; I mean The Netherlands, and while I dont't smoke myself I am truly offended by your post!!!

LOL, just kidding.

All I can say is that weed is NOT the cause for Cate's laziness because she has always been lazy and lacking in ambition.


I live with someone who smokes every single day....and lazy no, but forget yes, dull, depressed. I guess it depends who you are obviously is not a good fit for her....or the majority of ppl I know.


Isn't it supposed to exacerbate it if you're already inclined to depression, mood disorders, etc? If you have certain tendencies, then it's going to affect you differently. It's like any drug--from caffeine to alcohol--the effect varies person to person.


Filthy neglected baby? Do you mean the pretty little blondie who was so adorable at the reunion? Are you on something?
