Catch up Special

While I am glad Amber is in a better place, she seems so full of herself. The blonde hair and boobs hanging out make her look like a Marilyn Monroe wannabe. Which, she is really.

In the previews, why was Farrah counting? Was it when she hit "three" her lips were going burst sending a splash of poison in Amber's eyes? She looked a little scared if you ask me. Where was Simon? He doesn't feel the need to defend his woman friend but instead lets her dad come to her rescue? Who knows. Maybe Michael saw his gravy train getting derailed so he stepped in to make sure she was safe.

These people.


I agree. I really haven't cared much for Amber the last few episodes. Something about her is bothering me. She seems fake. Like the way she holds her mouth or the expressions she makes. I know last night she was irritated, the way she kept talking to Dr Drew and the looks she was giving him was pissing me off. Also, the counting with Farrah was hilarious. I had to rewind it several times to see the look on her face. You're right, she looked scared. But speaking of gravy trains - when Amber said she quit and walked off stage, I bet Matt was thinking "no. No. No. Not yet."


LOL! He was probably thinking he needs time to embezzle some TM money and get his own place.




I don't understand the counting either.
Maybe she was treating Amber like you do a kid, when you count to three. Weird!!
I can't stand Farrah. But see Amber crashing and burning very soon. She seems to be on a bad road again. And Matt has to know it and just does not care.
Gary is completely right to be careful with Leah around her right now.


Amber looked ridiculous on the reunion show. She wants to look all glamorous with the hair, boobs, clothes, shoes, makeup, jewelry and nails but she ends up looking like a complete idiot. Yes Amber, we get it - you are a high-maintenance wannabe. Get over yourself all ready!!!!

And as soon as she is annoyed she becomes a loudmouth drama queen - so I guess you can dress her up but not take her out.

I love that Kristina wore regular old jeans and a shirt. Her hair and makeup were simple, she looked very pretty. How could she keep a straight face when they talked to each other on the couch?? Amber with her fake tears, heaven forbid she damage a fake eyelash!!

I can not wait for part two next week!! I'm not sure who I would want to win in a fight - Amber or Farrah - they are both nuts!!!


My grandma always said- you can put makeup on a pig, but it is still a pig.
So no matter how much surgery she has and how "glamorous" she thinks she is, her true self comes through.
And this is true for many of the girls on the Teen Mom shows.


Amber is obsessed with Marilyn Monroe. She posts on twitter and instagram about her often. Gag lol.


And Marilyn just had that little something extra, that just made it work. It is rare and very few can pull it off.
Remember when Madonna tried to pull off the Marilyn look? It didn't work.
Amber is definitely not pulling it off.


Amber is trying to go for that vintage bombshell look and it doesn't work on her when she looks like Roseanne without all the makeup on. She's trying too hard and it's making her look goofy. Too much makeup, the hair was a no, that outfit was a hell no. She looks like the bride of chucky or some cheap vamp wannabe chick.


I don't see much difference between pre- and post-surgery, except for the boobs. Wasn't she expecting to look slimmer?


The boobs only seem to make her seem bigger...


Right. Her shoulders are still big and wide. Surgery wasn't going to fix that, only diet and exercise


I really don't see a difference either. Except that she looks bigger with those big torpedo boobs. She could have hired a trainer and a nutritionist and actually produced some results, but that would require leaving the couch


That's what I would have done, and if I had some loose skin after I while I would have gone to get that fixed. She doesn't look good at all. Money wasted.


When you look at photos of Marilyn when she was young - before she had he makeover with mousy brown hair she is still gorgeous. She had a beautiful face, magnetic smile, kind eyes and charisma. Those things remained after she did the peroxide blonde etc.

Any person that has tried to emulate her can't come close.

Amber saying she 'needed' the mommy makeover is ludicrous. No one needs elective plastic surgery unless it is significantly causing them distress and interfering with their functioning. A great example would be resconstrcitive surgery after cancer.

Amber is so deluded. It is obvious already the procedures have not helped her feel better about herself. I would argue it's the complete opposite. She expected to feel great and it didn't happen, so now she feels worse.


Did you notice she takes selfies by cropping the pic. She's still insecure.


So insecure. If she just stuck to a healthy low fat diet and exercised everyday she would look pretty great. Of course, she took the lazy path of lipo and implants.


I immediately thought of Marilyn Monroe & had no idea that Amber is obsessed with her. Monroe was a goddess, but Amber's emulation of her only made her look very old.


Amber looks like one of those Evangelical church members from the 80's lol.


Haha! She does. Very Tammy Faye.


Ha! Remember when she used to get those super trashy acrylic nails? Well she still gets some bad ones but In The past they were super long and shaped weird.


It's a cheap look. The best attempts have been from drag queens.


Marilyn Monroe wannabe.

I thought that too.

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