Catelynn Motherhood
This girl does not enjoy motherhood at all.
It is natural to get burned out. But what does she have to get burned out about? Everyone else is raising her child for her.
Tonight she was overjoyed that April was gonna continue to keep Nova, where they could go to Maci's wedding without her. Would understand if she just really needs s break? But she is always on a break.
And then when Tyler asked where Nova was, she literally said "Who Cares?" Even if you think that, you don't say it. Geez!!
It is so sad that she finds no joy in having that sweet and healthy baby girl.
The last thing she needs is more kids. But I am sure she will have another to "keep" Tyler, just like she did with Nova.
She got it right the first time, by giving Carly up. She should have stopped with having kids then.
She is not cut out to be a mother. And it is very obvious she regrets having Nova.