Catelynn Motherhood

This girl does not enjoy motherhood at all.
It is natural to get burned out. But what does she have to get burned out about? Everyone else is raising her child for her.
Tonight she was overjoyed that April was gonna continue to keep Nova, where they could go to Maci's wedding without her. Would understand if she just really needs s break? But she is always on a break.
And then when Tyler asked where Nova was, she literally said "Who Cares?" Even if you think that, you don't say it. Geez!!
It is so sad that she finds no joy in having that sweet and healthy baby girl.
The last thing she needs is more kids. But I am sure she will have another to "keep" Tyler, just like she did with Nova.
She got it right the first time, by giving Carly up. She should have stopped with having kids then.
She is not cut out to be a mother. And it is very obvious she regrets having Nova.


She came across well on that reunion (part one). I think she will always have her vices. But she strikes me as ungrateful for what she has. Yes- she had a troubled childhood and gave Carly away. But, she is on a semi successful reality show which opens a lot of doors/opportunities she would have never had. She gets a decent income and her family seems to really support her emotionally and with Nova. Tyler seems also committed to her now. What does this woman want?!?

She's like a spoiled adult spawned from trailer trash.


I'm sad for her that she hasn't seen Carly in over a year that has to be devastating


I don't know if she doesn't enjoy motherhood more then its really doesnt come natural to her. I think she has a lot of issues that she has never worked out and until she does it will hinder her as a mother.


I caught the Who Cares comment too. You can tell Tyler takes to being a parent and she doesn't. I think she resents Nova because she isn't Carly. I wonder how her feelings would be if she had a boy instead of a girl this time. She makes me sick.


That "who cares?" kinda says it all. Maybe she'd claim it was a joke, but with her track record it's damn unfunny.


That part drove me crazy. She is a deadbeat.

Tyler- "Where is our kid?"

Catelynn- "Who cares. Let her sleep."


And then they pan to Nova, who is wide awake in her crib. The "who cares" comment really solidified for me that she is not into being a mom. She doesn't seem to have that connection with Nova at all. And I get being excited about getting to take a trip with just the two of them, and all parents could use a break, but she was way too excited about the prospect of time without her daughter. And I'm not sure what she needs a break from, considering she doesn't seem to do much parenting at all.


Yeah son is 3 and still hasn't stayed overnight at grandma's. I would go but definitely be sad about leaving him, too.

Dexter: I would give everything to feel nothing again.


I found it very odd that she kept referring to herself as "nurturing", at the reunion show. And that at one point Tyler said it too. She seems so apathetic to her own child, I just don't see her as one bit nurturing.


I don't see her as a nurturing person either and I have no idea why she thinks she's a nurturing person. She isn't very hands-on with her daughter and she doesn't seem to do anything for her husband or her household. She nurtures the hell out of her couch and phone though.


And those finger nails lol
