MovieChat Forums > Teen Mom (2009) Discussion > Most psycho mother on the show

Most psycho mother on the show

I thought it was Farrah by a mile but now I think it is Amber. It's her past, her diagnosis, and how she carries herself. I hope she never gains more custody because she will NEVER get Leah to school on time. She's so lazy and depressed and pops off at the slightest thing.


Amen!! It must be nice to be Amber and Catelynn and just take a long break from patenting, because of depression.
And I understand that depression is serious. But children don't understand that. They just want their mama.
And most parents don't get to take a break, when depressed. They just have to do what they have to do.
My mom said tonight that she wasn't so sure that Amber and Catelynn needed meds as much as swift kick in their a$$es! Know depression is not funny but maybe they need meds and the kick. Because it isn't just depression,it is also LAZINESS!


So true. It would be amazing to see how they would have ended up had they never been on TM. Maybe a little of the same - but as they only emphasizes what you already are. If they were lazy to begin with the money has only made them so much more lazy. Hence, the brown couch. Too bad there isn't a TM boot camp.


So funny that Maci was able to drive with her own three kids to the wedding venue while Cate and Tyler couldn't even take their one child with them and are never seem to want to be with her. Not saying Maci is mother of the year or anything, but at lease she interacts with them and they seem well taken care of.

So many parents would give anything to be able to stay home or work part time and here are Amber and Cate, both doing nothing all day but barely interacting with their kids. Oy.


Well all her kids were in the wedding, also it was her wedding so of course her kids will be there. Maci didnt bring her kids to Cate and Tylers wedding last year, it wouldnt make sense for them to take Novs.


Do you really think Cate and Tyler would been bothered to bring Nova to their wedding? I think that they would have made April or Tyler's mom take her instead. They pawn Nova off on other people every chance they get.


Well she was at their wedding. Whether Cate and Tyler brought her themselves I have no clue. Of course my parents brought my son to my wedding, well bc you know I was getting ready and stuff, so I must be a horrible mom!


So you think Cate is a great mom who loves spending time with Nova, cool.


I dont think by her not taking her child makes her a bad mom, sometimes people want to find every little thing that someone does and make it sound bad. Do I think she's the best mom, no, I think she needs to work on things, but saying that b/c she didnt personally bring her child to athe wedding makes her a bad mom well thats just reaching and nitpicking!


My point was that I thought it was sweet that Maci was able to drive all 3 of her kids to the wedding venue which I believe was out of state, not sure if they left on the actual wedding day or not. Whereas I don't think Cate would even consider taking Nova somewhere when she has April to pawn her off on. It's clear to anyone watching the show that Cate drops Nova off with her mom at ever turn, not that she works or really does much of anything.

When Tyler asked Cate something about Nova and Cate replied with a "who care's?" that said it all for me. Yes, I think that makes her a bad mom and since they're on a reality show for all the world to watch them, I'll nitpick all I want.


Well nitpick away, as I see you have no problem doing!! Have a great day!


I sure will and you're quite the nitpicker too since you are nitpicking everything I say.


Tyler asked where their kid was, and that's when Cate said "Who cares?" I think she followed it up with she's napping, and to let her sleep. But it was funny because the camera then shows Nova in her crib standing up, wide awake.

Anyway, I thought it was crazy how Cate snapped, "Who cares?" off so quickly. She's very defensive this season.


I don't see it as a bad thing that they didn't bring Nova. If I were going to a friends wedding (especially a destination wedding) I wouldn't want to have to worry about my kid(s), I would want to be able to get away and enjoy myself with my friends. I agree they pawn her off a lot more than they should, but this time it was a little more justified IMO.


It may have been an adult only wedding/reception. The only kids that were at my reception were the four that we had in our wedding. Most people don't invite children to their wedding anyways.


I believe Gary truest wants what's best for Leah and that is not amber. I feel like amber just wants time with her because she feels entitled to it. It's so sad.


Exactly. When you think about it, she said she doesn't pick up Leah from school on her one custody weekday - but she's fine with seeing her on the weekend. I wonder if it's because she's too lazy to do it. The weekend is probably easier and maybe Leah is dropped off. I don't believe Ambers excuses. She would probably prefer to be with Matt so she can lay around and get high.


I'm still going to have to go with Farrah.
