I used to feel
For Amber to an extent. Now, I don't know why. I also don't know why it took me this long to make up my mind about her. She is such a whiny, woe-is-me trailer trash loser. She thinks living in a nice area and having a decent house and car(s?) will give people the impression she has class. Yeah, no. Doesn't work like that. Class doesn't include getting arrested for domestic violence/drugs/whatever repeatedly. Class doesn't include being a felon(am I correct on that?) In your effing mid-20's. Class doesn't include shacking up with a guy who was a fan of your show but has a million kids he doesn't properly care for.
And most importantly, the theatrics and drama over Leah. I don't care if Amber has a good heart. That doesn't get you through life. You have to have a brain too. And she obviously hasn't used hers. She repeatedly got physical with Gary, then plays victim and used drugs to cope when he got primary custody. That doesn't help your situation.
She is nothing but, and always will be, trailer trash. From the first time we ever "met" her on tv, she came across as utter trash that wanted to pretend she was classy and thought she's give that impression by having giant "leather" sectional sofas and false nails. That one haircut she had back in the day where it was like a window on her face with the bangs cut bluntly across and the two chunks hanging down either side was a testament to that.
Each reunion show, I just see more and more about her I don't like. The waterworks every time someome says something she doesn't like. The uncontrollable anger outburts. Does she EVER learn? Does she WANT an even bigger criminal record? I'm just dumbfounded by her.
And sitting in an open garage in a nice area like two trash bags. Seriously? You can take the girl out of the trailer but not the trailer out of the girl. Yikes. I can and always could see how Gary was annoying at times. He would talk over her or say something dumb. Oh well. She was completely psychotic with him from day one. And look where it got her. He's stable, has a stable lifestyle. In my opinion Leah should be with him and Kristina 90% of the time.
Sorry for the rant/re-stating stuff others may have said, I just had an epiphany.