Gary's valid point that Amber ignores
On the Reunion, Gary repeated this one phrase a few times while trying to answer Amber's questions about parenting time with Leah. Gary was pretty low key about this explanation, and I think it flew under the radar of Dr. Drew and Amber. Especially since this is when Amber started getting emotional and defensive, and could not handle the situation any further. And I wish this would have been picked up on, and elaborated. Because Gary was absolutely correct! Instead, it gets ignored in favor of coddling Amber who tends to fly off the handle when confronted with the truth.
Gary (very calmly and politely, may I add), kept saying that if Amber was able keep up the schedule that was currently set up with regards to Amber's time with Leah, then they could think about increasing or changing things in Amber's favor. These aren't Gary's exact words, but I believe this was more or less what he was getting at. It was basically highlighting how Amber has a hard time managing the few scheduled days with Leah that she already has. Other things going on in Ambers's life are more important (depression, sickness, traveling, defending Matt, mommy makeovers, and probably other things that we don't even hear about).
Gary was very quietly trying to say that Amber can't even keep up with her time as it is now, why the heck is Amber asking for even more visits with Leah? He was completely right! Kids need to keep a stable schedule, especially during the school year. Amber currently has a hard time with her parenting obligations, and it would be unfair to Leah if things were changed. It also sounds like Amber struggles with time management even when Leah is with her (getting to school on time, etc). This would only hurt Leah to be with Amber more. Amber needs to prove she can handle all the responsibilities of mothering Leah before she has the right to ask for more.
Instead of listening to what Gary was saying, and maybe self reflecting a bit, Amber shut down and acts like she is being attacked. She is quite good at playing the victim to deflect any negativity on her part.
I know Gary has many faults, but I have to give him credit for handling that situation like a boss. He was very calm and rational, and didn't go on the defensive even when Amber tried her best to bait him into it. He even handled himself with Dr. Drew, who was trying to stoke the drama fire.