MovieChat Forums > Teen Mom (2009) Discussion > Sneak peek next week - Catelynn Tyler

Sneak peek next week - Catelynn Tyler

I'm not sure if this will be clickable to watch but it is a new article from OK Magazine's website titled "feeling regret?"

Catelynn clearly breaks down at the end saying she was only 16 when she made these decisions. This is evidence she and Tyler may regret their decision to place Carly for adoption and supports that this may be the root of her mental issues.


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Man. That's kind of sad. And it sucks because it's not even Cate. It's Tyler that has prob pissed them off.


Why would they regret it? Catelynn barely takes care of her current kid so why would she want Carly too. Carly is way better off being parented by Brandon and Theresa.

How would April handle watching two kids all the time?? ;)


Thank you :)


Oh My! That is very sad.
I understand that B and T are looking out for Carly's best interest, but they should at least tell them their visitations are over.
The gave them an amazing gift, so they at least owe them that.
Being in limbo is miserable. They should just tell Cateltnn that her contact with Carly is over until she is and adult and decides for herself. Then they can begin to heal and move on.
Isn't it weird how Tyler used to always be the one bugging out about Carly and Catelynn was voice of reason. But now he seems fine. Seems that he has accepted what is, where Cateltnn is just now realizing the gravity of that decision or kept it bottled
up and now exploding.
Their roles have totally reversed. Having Nova appeared to have helped Tyler to let go, but has really hurt Cateltnn. She is sadly going backwards and nor forward.


Isn't it weird how Tyler used to always be the one bugging out about Carly and Catelynn was voice of reason. But now he seems fine. Seems that he has accepted what is, where Cateltnn is just now realizing the gravity of that decision or kept it bottled up and now exploding.

It's weird how that works. I notice when something is stressing me and my husband out, we're the same way though. Only one of us get freaked out at a time while the other stays calm. Thank goodness though because if both Catelynn and Tyler were freaking out at the same time that could get old really fast to watch.


Are you spelling it Cateltnn on purpose? Lol


I have mixed feelings about this. I believe Cate & Ty should have some sort of an answer if the adoption is closed or not.

I think Brandon & Theresa want to but don't because of any (possible) backlash. I don't blame them though for wanting to close the adoption. They are private people as it is and they got so much more than they bargained for (Teen Mom succes).

Not to forget about Tyler talking smack about them on Twitter and both of them have ignored certain rules Brandon & Theresa set up. Not to mention Kim AND Butch have ignored their wishes as well.

That being said Cate & Ty do deserve an answer. At the same time I think these two are a bit clueless about the adoption. 'I did not know that'. How do you nor know about the terms and conditions regarding your daughters adoption?

Yes they were very young when they signed but they are adults now. Someone on this board had a excellent point. Cate and Ty think Carly's stay is temporary (B & T 'borrowed' her for a while) and that she will spend summers with them when she is older.

That is just not going to happen and the sooner Cate and Ty realise this, the better.

I do feel sorry for Cate. It must be so difficult I can not imagine living without my son. However Cate & Ty should work on their relationship with B & T and follow their rules.

It is what it is they are Carly's parents and they should accept this.


Someone on this board had a excellent point. Cate and Ty think Carly's stay is temporary (B & T 'borrowed' her for a while) and that she will spend summers with them when she is older.

That is just not going to happen and the sooner Cate and Ty realise this, the better.

There is SO much "magical thinking" going on with them, and they're just getting way too old for it. They idealize Carly because she wasn't there. They make up all kinds of things in their heads (especially Cate) about how perfect she is. Her diapers probably don't stink in their daydreams, like Nova's real-life ones do. She never had a tantrum, always ate all her veggies, never told a lie, etc.

Poor Nova. Poor real kid. She's got a helluva bar to aim for.


They definitely always had the fantasy that B and T are just watching Carly while she's young because they weren't "ready" for the responsibility when they were 16 but they planned on having more access to her as she grows up. No, it doesn't work that way. If anything they will have less and less access to her. I feel bad that they were so young and didn't really understand the legal document they were signing. I don't know how adoptions work and if Cate and Tyler were provided with any legal counsel to look over the documents with them. Lord knows their parents are too dense to help them with that plus they were against the adoption anyway.


From the sneak peek, I think that Tyler and Cate thought that was a legal document. It was an agreement.
If you look at the page that Tyler was holding, the last line states that they understand that it is NOT a legal contract.
I wonder if anyone at the adoption agency ever made that CRYSTAL CLEAR to them. I know there were other papers they signed that were legally binding contracts. Did anyone ever explain the difference or have they always just been delusional?

They never have seemed to understand their real roles in Carly's life and neither have their extended family.

Btw, Sophia is DOOMED! !


I think they should have an answer, but unfortunately Brandon and Theresa aren't obligated to legally. Morally, yes they should. I assume they watch the program and they can see how distraught Catelynn is. Who knows what her texts to Theresa's look like. I doubt they are calm and collected.

If you give your baby up for adoption, with the option of it being closed - you give up your rights. Cate has a point. She was so young when she made that choice and had no moral anchor to guide her. Her parents were completely undependable. Again, this is at the heart of her mental issues and she should work this out with a therapist to get some relief.


It says alot that Brandon and Theresa are talking with Dawn but not Catelynn and Tyler. It seems like they either feel that they're handling things very immaturely or that it's fruitless trying to talk to them and get their points across. Having seen how the 2 of them respond to Brandon & Theresa and argue with them and go against their wishes repeatedly, it doesn't surprise me. I feel so terrible for Cate and Ty, but I feel like the communication breakdown is partly their fault for pushing too much and causing unnecessary drama. Hopefully they can get past this and come to some set agreement, because Dawn did imply that Brandon and Theresa would verbalize it if they planned to stop visitations altogether, and since they haven't, it's just best to dial it down a little.


The clip does confirm that they haven't closed the adoption as of the filming. Catelynn and Tyler are so young and have no guidance from someone older and wiser to point it out to them how they are behaving immaturely and dramatically.

As Tyler said it once, without him, Brandon and Theresa would have no kid. That pretty much sums it up. That is his limited perspective. He jumps the gun all the time and wants control B and T. He doesn't have those rights since he signed them away.


I not only agree 100% but it's as if you read my mind, lol.
Thanks, now I don't have to make my post ;)


You are very welcome, bohunkchicklet.. :) :)


I know Butch approached Carly at the wedding even though her parents said he could not but what did Kim do to overstep? Do you mean April?


Wow it's like my exact thoughts came into fruition and MTV hadn't put the clip up yet. I always knew she's been depressed because of what she gave up.

"I never hear you speak and when you do you apologize for saving me?"


I think having to talk about Carly repeatedly to justify a contract with MTV is the root of her mental health issues. It's only been in recent years that these two have decided to attempt to strong-arm the parents into more contact, more pictures, and began asserting themselves as her "true" parents in various ways. They're essentially looking to exploit their daughter-by-birth, and ignored the adoptive parents' request to stop doing it. They earned getting shut out of her life.


I agree with you. Given that it's filmed it puts the situation in a completely unique perspective. As we already know the show has producers which guide the storyline.

When Tyler and Catelynn put Carly up for adoption they essentially gave up any rights.

I do feel sorry for the little girl as she will reap absolutely no benefit from being part of the show except to have been lucky enough to be placed for adoption.
