Ryan Shocked

Why did Ryan look so shocked (almost offended) when Dr. Drew asked why he isn't working? It isn't like he is 12 years old or something. He is a full grown and able bodied man.
And Jen saying that he is now living on his own. Except he still isn't paying for it. So he really isn't making it on his own.
I really like his parents. But are they not embarrassed that they raised a child who will not man up? And who isn't even a good father?
I understand that it is no longer his parents problem, as he is grown. But he still seems very enabled.
I did feel bad when he started crying. Maybe something way more serious us going on. Maybe some mental issues?


Did you see how he nodded his head yes? Also his eyes were huge. I think the accident gave him a brain injury.

I like eggs


Are you referring to his car accident a long time ago?


I swear he's so lucky to have lived such a privileged life so far. Like you said, I was kind of bewildered why he would think it's such an asinine question if he's working. He's fortunate that his mother can work his father with her charm because the house he's living in belonged to her mother and remember his father said you better sell it to him no less than if he were a stranger. And I bet he's just living there probably paying for a few things here and there with the MTV money. It's so sad. It's almost like he's a handicapped child. He won't make it without them God forbid something happens to them. He should know he can't just crash with Maci and you know he would do that in a heartbeat because he just doesn't care.

"I never hear you speak and when you do you apologize for saving me?"


I just watched the show and I saw it a bit differently. He kind of chuckled when he said why - like, I'm making so much money off this show, why would I get a real job..last I heard the girls were pulling in $300,000 this season and the guys made just a little less. That's a lot of money. Another thing that leads me to believe that's how he meant it was that Maci said wouldn't you just feel better if you had something to do. There are a lot of stories out there of people who win the lottery and their lives just crumble. I used to think if I won a lot of money, I would stop working and do nothing. Then I watched my dad retire and have nothing to do and he deteriorated real quick. That made me realize that I would have to find something to do. Open a business or something. Anyway, that how I took it.


That's how I took it as well. He seemed like "why should I if I don't have to?" Especially since then Maci and Jen went in to talking about how having a job gives you a purpose everyday and something to do.


That's what I thought.


Maybe he was surprised he was asked since almost no one else on the show has a job lol


Lmao right, that's how I saw it. That's why i got up and looked at Maci liked that and asked what her job is. Im not gonna lie, if I was making more than a quarter mil (gawd that's alot for these idiots) then I wouldn't work either, not full time at least. But I would be in school and doing things to set up my future for when the show is over. Maci and Taylor needs real jobs too because when the show is over no one is gonna care about some pleather pocket t shirts from goofs on a reality show 10 years earlier.


...Because he gets paid from the show...


Adam from TM2 went on a rant this week and stated he gets over $200,000 from this show and the girls get a even higher salary than that.


Something is definitely not right with Ryan. It's kinda like he is not all there.
