I just watched the second reunion episode and am sincerely amazed with how much more mature and less horribly on edge Farrah has been. She has actually made some good points and expressed herself well.
I haven't finished her section quite yet so don't judge me if she ends up being seriously crazy toward that end haha. So just from what I've seen so far.
Do you guys think that she is showing her true self? That maybe she really has been able to make progress? Or that it's a show? I'd really appreciate any opinions!!!
Personally, I feel whenever they film, it's like she forgets the cameras are there and shows her true self by the way she treats people. She also just recently participated in cyber bullying with a picture of amber she posted on her instagram. I think that's her true colors. As far as the reunions, I think she just puts on a show because she is in front of a live audience. Every reunion she says things are going great and her relationship is improving with her mom, and then the next season airs and it's the same cycle again. Based on how she spoke and handled herself on this reunion, she probably has the potential to be a good person, but her true colors are revealed in her cyber bullying and how she treats her mother
farrah's idea of being strong is showing no emotion and saying everything is fine and great. she thinks that admitting there's any problem of any kind, or showing that anything has affected her, is a sign of weakness and of being a weak person. her mom does the same exact thing too. they deny, bury and avoid reality as much as possible.
Honestly I wonder if she didnt take something before hand to calm her nerves, b/c I dont believe at all that Farrah has changed and now this calm person.
I wouldn't read to much into it. She somewhat held it together for like 5 minutes of tv time lol. Make no mistake, we all know what kind of person Farrah is, and that isn't changing any time soon.