100 things about TM + Cate's reaction
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RroFvu9iYog (talking about this clip)
So I came across this gem on Youtube where the girls answer some questions and look back on earlier seasons.
One of the questions at the end is ' Where do you see yourself in 10 years?'. Amber and Farrah talk about their business (branching out etc). Maci says she'll be a mother of a 17 and 13 year old etc.
Catelynn's answer is ' Probably answering more questions for MTV'. What an odd answer in comparison to the rest of the girls.
At this point I am honestly feeling a bit sorry for her. She needs a reality check if she really thinks TM will still be relevant in 10 years.
Just goes to show that she is banking on being on TM for a long time to come and rhat she lacks ambition.