Amber's after show
I don't buy that she always asks for Leah and Gary doesn't give her to him. Remember back in season 3 or 4 where Leah asks to come over to Gary's house right then to play with Leah. She asked last minute but it wasn't a good day for her to come because Gary was working on the house. So Gary suggested that Amber watches her tomorrow. Amber said that was ok. The next day though, Amber found out she had to go look at a house that was for sale, and when Gary asked when to bring Leah over. Amber said she was going to look at houses and Gary was mad because now Amber was backing out of the plan. Amber went full on-psycho on Gary screaming how she never gets to see Leah and that she asked for Leah yesterday and Gary wouldn't give her to him. Later in the car Amber is on the phone crying to her friend how Gary always keeps Leah from her, but really Amber was the one who backed out. And it doesn't take all day long to look at a house. Amber probably could have still had Leah for a part of the day, but had to go whining instead.
Amber hasn't changed at all as we can see. So all these claims that Gary never lets Amber see Leah I think are a big stretch. I bet Amber tries to instigate some drama and asks to see Leah when she knows it's not a good day, or I bet Gary tries to compromise with Amber, but Amber just doesn't want to compromise. She can't even handle the schedule now, so how can she get more time. It's important for Leah to be on a routine and not be dragged all over the place because her mom wants her that day.