MovieChat Forums > Teen Mom (2009) Discussion > Michael what in the hell are you doing?

Michael what in the hell are you doing?

You should have been like Simon and exited stage left as fast as you could. If Simon is running from the guy, why are you trying to fight for him. Anyway hope your coaxes is broken. Bye.


If someone was going after one of my kids, no matter how old they are, I'd jump in to defend them also.


Sorry but Michael should have never gotten up on stage. Unless my child is getting their butt kicked or they actually ask me to step in, I will let my grown child handle their business. But fine he wants to stick up for his daughter, let him, but then he pushes Matt, so really he started it and was wrong.


I agree with you that Michael put his hands on Matt first. He got what was coming to him. Now, I'm no fan of Matt or Michael but I would definitely come to my daughter's defense no matter her age of I thought another women or girl was gonna touch her and also, as a man, Matt stepping up to defend Amber is something I expect and respect. I know Amber could have handled the situation better and Matt isn't perfect but Farrah and Simon insinuating that he looks like a pedophile or is a pedophile is waaaay over the line, completely inappropriate, ufounded, and offensive.


I agree with you. Don't mess with my baby.


I agree. The thing is.. NO ONE calls Randy out for repeatedly defending his precious princess on Twitter and his ehm shade throwing at the rest of the cast.

Why is it OK for Randy to defend his daughter but when Michael does the same people think he should have backed off?

Yes maybe he should have stayed out because things went downhill after that. BUT.. I bet there will be very few parents in the world that will allow their child getting beat up in front of them.


I bet there will be very few parents in the world that will allow their child getting beat up in front of them.

Maybe if Farrah was getting beat up then yes I can see stepping in but that was not happening.


Amber tried to punch/slap her Reason enough to step in if you ask me.

Not saying that Farrah is suddenly the most wonderful person on earth but it was Amber who started this whole thing.


There was security all around them, but fine Michael comes up there, b/c you know he's "worried" even though he wouldnt have be able to do anything. So he starts cussing at Amber, so then Matt comes out there, you know b/c he's sticking up for his girl (like Micheal is doing for Farrah), but then Michael started the physical fight with Matt, its totally on him. Michael deserved to be pushed by Matt, if you're gonna get physical with someone first you better expect they will fight back.


If there was enough security around them Amber shouldn't have been able to get on stage in the first place. Maybe the people stating this was a fake fight were right after all?

I do see your point. As I said before he probably made the incident of a lot worse and I can agree with you he shouldn't have pushed Matt.

But I stand by with what I said. If Amber hadn't stormed on stage none if this would have happened. Even if the pedo comment is uncalled for Amber behaving like she did was embarassing.


Why is it OK for Randy to defend his daughter but when Michael does the same people think he should have backed off?
because Farrah treats her parents like they're worse than *beep*

"Sometimes what I type doesn't make any sense because of the iPad."— By Me.


That's not the point. My point is that people find it weird dat he is sticking up for Farrah.

Regardless if she is treating them like crap or that is still his daughter and defending her is the logical thing to do.


Me too. I'm the ultimate Mama Bear.


I finally saw it just now. Eeee, Michael fell down like a sack of doorknobs! Don't mess with a Southie! (Matt's from South Boss, right?) That was hard to watch.

Michael just looks like a tool for doing the first shove. (Although Matt is grimy as hell.)


South Boston*


Is "South Boston" with an asterisk a correction? Because nothing I said was wrong...


South Boss is corny "gangster" talk. I've never someone call it that.


Haha, you're not wrong, it is very corny, and I think that's what I was going for given the subject matter... picturing a grimy thug like Matt and all. "Sack of doorknobs" was another dead giveaway that I was goofing after having just seen that scene. 

I also have a habit of using a lot of short-speak on IMDb anyways. Today I said "general pop" instead of "general population, and... what else... something else recently where I shortened a term. I don't even know why I do it because typing out full terms, even on my phone, doesn't take much more time, and ironically enough, one of my pet-peeves is certain "text-speak." So go figure. 

Add: A few years ago, I was joking around and said "South Boss" to my mom. She immediately corrected me. She's from the west coast, but having relatives in Boston made that term insult her sensibilities or something, joke or not, lol. I definitely won't be saying it for legitimate use.


Double post


He seems like a decent person. He is probably the only sympathetic cast member on the show. He is extremely attached and devoted to Farrah.

I'm not surprised he jumped in and had every right to. Even after he fell, Farrah was screaming to him to call the police to lock up the criminals. That was so funny when Farrah called Amber out for being a felon. Hahahhahaha


But it was even funnier when Amber said "with your *beep* crooked lips" lol. Michael aint no Chuck Norris so he had no business even storming the stage, especially with all the security there anyway. I think Matt tossed him like an acrobat because he swiped at Matt


It's , "coccyx" and you're hilarious! ????? You hope his coccyx is broken! Lmao! I'm a medical assistant /phlebotomist and whenever I hear that word I think of Napoleon Dynamite's grandmother.


HAHA! Now here's the question of the day: do you pronounce it like uncle Rico as "cock-icks," or do you go for the slightly less hilarious "cox-icks?" Your medical expertise is greatly appreciated. 
