'Postpartum depression can be treated.'
Full disclosure, I think Dr. Drew has become a caricature of himself. The accolades and celebrity have gone to his head, and if he wanted to do "therapy," he should have become board certified as a psychiatrist.
Anyways, during C and T's couch time, he's pestering them about having more children. C says she's "one and done," because she's had terrible post partum depression twice. I mean, we've WATCHED her struggle. And his response? "Well, it can be treated." Thanks, dick! C is making maybe the best decision of her life, something to be applauded (and I'm no hugefan of their life decisions), and THAT'S what he has to say??
Basically, this is the same thing Rusty Yates was saying to Andrea, who had terrible poatpartum psychosis (a step above PPD in severity) to excuse knocking her up REPEATEDLY until tragedy struck. Of course, I do not mean to imply C will lose it and hurt her children, but PPD and PPP are very real, very serious conditions. You cannot take the most effective psych meds while pregnant and/or breastfeeding, so things are extremely complicated. His flippant comment is callous and unethical!
I am in my thirties and made the painful decision NOT to have children, because I have bipolar disorder and my depressions are crushing (you want to see "lazy?" I can barely get out of bed, let alone shower daily or leave the house for weeks at a time). The meds i take to keep me healthy have devastating effects on fetal development, so I would have to go off them and hope for the best. Depressed mothers cannot adequately bond with their children, setting them up for a lifetime of attachment issues. I wonder if our illustrious Dr. Drew would sit in judgment and tell me to go for it anyways. He should be supportive of C, not nag and lecture her. Ugh, I despise him.