Nature v. nurture is a very fascinating area of research. Nevertheless, I'll play devil's advocate and say Carly turning out well-adjusted and a productive member of society while Nova struggles, would not necessarily be proof of nurture over nature. It'd be just one case, and the differing genetics for each could still play a role. After all, they don't have the exact same genetic make-up. Now, identical twins raised in different environments is the more accurate area of study with nurture v. nature compared to regular siblings.
Nevertheless, Carly being in an enriching and stable environment may just put her in a better position for being the more well-adjusted as an adult. How much of "nurture" could impact her though, where Nova is better off? Carly having her bio parents on tv for years, the visits that can confuse things, the knowing her sister was kept while she was placed for adoption... All environmental factors that actually could put Nova in a better position in some ways. However, ending devil's advocate, I think most can agree Carly has the more consistently ideal environment, and perhaps she is the more likely to fair better when she gets older when looking at this from a purely nurture place.
It may just be one case, but studies are complied by looking at one case after another, so each just one can be important. While Nova and Carly likely won't be involved in any study, we viewers certainly can be interested in what turns out. Obviously, we wish the best for both. They aren't lab rats; they're children. I hope both live great lives, but my guess is Carly will have the least hangups because Nova's world is one of chaos, and that likely will supercede any issues Carly has with being the adopted one.