I thought the other books were okay, but the last one pissed me off. It seemed a bit like Lauren just wanted to hurry up and end the series as fast as she could. Don't get me wrong, I love the series and I was so excited to hear that they're making a movie (well, not now because they destroyed it with casting Addison as Luce, no thanks! She's NOT Luce and will never be able to fill her shoes), but the last book annoyed me. I mean, when we found out that Lucinda and Lucifer were together before Luce and Daniel were, and that the main reason why everything happened was because he was jealous and felt like she tossed him to the side... I thought that was a bit ridiculous. You can't just take one of the most feared beings in history and religion, and turn him into a whiny teenager who got his heart broken and ego bruised, so he lashed out because he didn't get his way. Then, when Lauren brought God into it, saying that God felt the same way as Lucifer, that the reason Lucinda was cast out was out of jealousy... That really bugged me.
Plus, there wasn't even a real battle! You mean to tell me in book four of the series, the finale, you can't even give me an epic battle between Lucinda, Daniel, Arriane, and the rest of the angels, VS Lucifer and his evil fallen angels? Really? Sorry, but no! You just can't do that. There was so much build up and then nothing! And then she got her wings back, but then had to let them go and got recycled into the universe for the last time with Daniel. And then we never got a followup. Sure, we saw Luce and Daniel meet again, but that was it. We never found out if Luce and Daniel's "epic love" throughout time was worth everything they all went through. Did they stay together? Have kids? Seriously. We never really find out.
/end rant.
I thought the series as a whole was a good idea because I love YA books about angels and I like books that have a romantic connection between the two main characters, but the final book pissed me off. I felt like she didn't even care about the story anymore and just finished the book because her publisher and contract made her do it.
And to the OP: Personally, as much as I love the books, I think it'll bomb just like Beautiful Creatures did. And I'm even more convinced of this with Addison attached. I've seen what she's been in and watched her interviews, I don't like her and I don't think she's a good fit for Luce. Maybe she'd be better as a different character, but she doesn't give that Lucinda vibe. My opinion, she's not a good actress and should never have been given this role. And she didn't even read the books before she auditioned or accepted the role!
And it's quite clear that I'm not the only one who shares this opinion. Haven't you seen facebook, tumblr and twitter blow up with the same exact opinions from several fans? It's crazy. I'd say 90% of the fanbase does not like the current cast.