Pirates 1 - 3 were enjoyable, Pirates 4 was not so much. They killed off or wrote off just about all of the supporting cast from the previous movies and just kept Jack, Barbossa and Gibbs. The Blackbeard/Mermaids/Fountain of Youth story was plain silly, ack!!!!!
Pirates 4 also created a big plot hole for Pirates 3. It was alleged that all of the Pirate Lords had to get together to save themselves from Davy Jones and Cutler Beckett. Jack even toyed with the idea of not attending the Brethren Court and becoming the last pirate in the world. Um, no.
Blackbeard would have survived. Although he was human, his sword gave him magical powers that would have protected the Queen Anne's Revenge from both the Kracken and Davy Jones. He would have simply tied up the Kracken's tentacles and Davy Jones' men if they tried to take over his ship.
One on one, I don't think Davy Jones can best Blackbeard with swords. Jones could barely out duel Jack (Jack is clearly not the best swordman and needs tricks to win). Jack is about even with Barbossa and Barbossa needed to cheat to kill Blackbeard.
On another thought, I finally got around to watching Pacific Rim this weekend.
I get what the director wanted to do with the movie, I actually kind of admire Pacific Rim in a weird way. They were trying to do something new, fresh and unique. It appears they tried to borrow from the old Japanese Godzilla, Rodan, Mothra, etc. movies which were silly and inane but fun to watch.
They wanted to inject some fun and spirit into their movie to differentiate it from the rest. It's safe to say that most movies have become dull, grim, formulated and predictable.
I applaud innovation and give credit where its due. Unfortunately, it didn't work at all. Did they get a 10 year old to write the script? The dialogue is juvenile and story is slow and plodding. I cringed every time they showed the two "scientists" tossing insults at each other; didn't someone tell those jackasses that the world was coming to an end?
The Jaeger teams were stereotypical caricatures. They played the big Russian overtures whenever the Russian team or Jaeger was shown. The Chinese were shown wearing their red China communist colors and the Aussies "Throw a shrimp on the Barby 'mate!"
The Jaegers battling the Kaiju scenes were decent but they were fairly tame compared to Transformers battles. The Jaegers seemed to rely mostly on punching and had only a few weapons. Why?
And a world wall? Geeze, the Kaijus can't climb, jump or fly over them. (roll eyes)
All in all, the battle scenes were OK but everything else was terrible.