MovieChat Forums > Skyline (2010) Discussion > I'm guessing it was imbeciles who rated ...

I'm guessing it was imbeciles who rated this so low.

...people who don't pay attention to plots or subtleties.

This was a great sci-fi flick; true sci-fi. Not the watered down crap that Americans need in order to 'get it'.

The idea of the aliens using human brains as a way to operate was gross, original and surprising. Something I hadn't considered before in sci-fi. On that point alone, it gets kudos from me.

The ending scene where it shows once Jarrod's brain had been inducted into an alien being and his fighting back against the aliens WHILE IN ALIEN FORM is really interesting and I would love a sequel!

People not liking this movie should stick to Mars Attacks.


Yeah, not that original, and has been don'e far better elsewhere, minus the cheesy awful "they want our brains!" premise. Seriously? Brains? That's as bad as the aliens being after womens ovaries. It really was not that interesting, and we can pick up on subtlety very well. Check out a film called Dark City if you want subtle, because Skyline is anything but.


Standard alien invasion sh*t is much worse:
- aliens who come for water (Oblivion, V)
- aliens who have mastered energy sources, electronics, physics at the level of force fields and interplanetary flights, but have zero knowledge of microbiology (War of the Worlds)
- aliens who can be defeated by a home grown computer virus (Independence Day)
- my favorite - hive mind aliens, very dangerous and numerous, but you need to kill just 1 to destroy/disable a billion of them (Battle Los Angeles, Ender's Game etc)

Do I need to continue the list ?


The aliens coming for water is the most stupid.

I mean you can find water everywhere in the universe, and a lot of the planets in our own solar system have moons that have ice or frozen water...


Exactly. Even in our solar system you don't need to destroy civilizations to get the water. Europa alone is estimated to have liquid ocean with more water, than in all oceans on Earth. Maybe someone is already living there though :)

I also saw many people complaining that "Skyline" is stupid, because aliens came for human brains. I actually think that the explanation is different, and much clever - they didn't come for brains, but rather use them to create an invasion army. And this is a very smart move - use your enemies to build an army out of them to fight the rest of them.


The aliens coming just for human brains is different? You must be new...

FYI, that concept was already used before, for the game prey, and to much better effect, instead of just coming for brains, which makes NO real sense (I'm sorry, even if they needed brains to power their army, why would they need ours? And why would they not be able to grow them? If they can create and army, brains are not going to be to be that much different, not to mention issues with biological compatibility, amongst a variety of other issues that result from a need so specialized.


I played prey some time ago, so don't remember exactly, but I think they were "harvesting" humans, not just their brains.
In the movie here aliens may have had a variety of reasons to conquer Earth. Maybe they needed resources, maybe a habitable planet to use as a colony or as a hub in a transportation system, options are numerous. Human brains were not the goal, but rather a means of achieving a goal.
This is how I see it - aliens came to the planet and decided they need to destroy local intelligent life to use the planet freely for whatever they needed. To do so they used local resources (humans) to build an army instead of bringing an army with them.


But they did not seem to be making any efforts to secure any land, and in fact their single minded focus throughout the film was literally to harvest people for their brains. They did not seem to have any interest in us beyond that. Even if they were planning to use them for some other purpose, that still does not explain why they would travel all the way to our planet just to steal our brains, when they seem more than advanced enough to create their own, or find a suitable alternative.


What if they wanted to kill people first to avoid resistance ?
If you look at the movie from such perspective - they came only for the brains - it is stupid, I agree. But personally I see it differently.


Do I need to continue the list ?

How about space aliens coming to earth disguised as gods from the sky, enslaving humans, and using them to mine gold, which they need on their home planet to spread throughout their atmosphere in order to cure it from whatever it is they did to mess it up?

Well, OK, that's from Zecharia Sitchin's work (The Tenth Planet, which so far has not been updated to Eight Planets, Six Dwarf Planets, and a Whole Lot of Other Stuff), but I'm sure someone has made at least one movie based on it.


"Oh, well" said Zanoni, "to pour pure water in the muddy well does but disturb the mud !"


Nibiru ? At first I thought you were talking about Stargate :) Though I don't remember Goa'uld using gold that way.


Yeah, Stargate was based on the general idea of ancient astronauts, though they used Erich "Chariots of the Gods" von Däniken's version more than Sitchin's: von Däniken (borrowing/adapting/stealing nearly all his ideas from earlier French writers) had the idea that all the ancient gods were aliens, whereas Sitchin's work was mostly about a minor group of Babylonian gods called the Annunaki, and their planet Niburu (which to the Babylonians was an astrological point in the sky and not a planet, but nevermind). The Stargate movie was all about one of the Egyptian gods, Ra; but the TV series pretty much brought everyone to the party over the years. I don't remember if the Babylonian gods ever showed up or not, but I'd bet they're in there somewhere. And you're right about the gold - the Goa'uld were mostly interested in humans as general slave labor or hosts for their symbiotes, or just to have somebody to lord over. They did employ large numbers of them to mine for naqahdah, though, which everybody knows is far more valuable than gold!

There are other movies out there using the general idea of ancient astronauts. Even Star Trek TOS used it in the episode "Who Mourns for Adonis", and the recent Thor movies definitely have a theres-nobody-here-but-us-extraterrestrials vibe to them. I just don't know of any that use the Annunaki, Niburu, and humans as gold-mining slaves, specifically.


"Oh, well" said Zanoni, "to pour pure water in the muddy well does but disturb the mud !"


- Aliens killed BY water (Signs)


Dark City was a very dense movie, boring on my first view, but much better the second time around


I don't know which movie you thought you were watching but it was NOT skyline. Because the skyline I saw was a 6/10 up until the last 5 minutes. Then it sunk to a 2 or 1/10. No closure to the plot whatsoever.

And yes, by the end of the movie(right before the dude and his gf get sucked up, finally) I wanted them to just die. Slowly and horribly and brutally. In fact, when considering how un satisfying this movie is, I wanted the aliens to set the city of Los Angeles( and earth in general) ablaze.

Since I watched this I now refer to 95% of films as "being better than skyline" - predators, army of darkness, splice, shark nado, ghost shark, two headed shark attack and even Sharkopus!!!

Skyline is not even so bad it's good. Instead skyline is soo bad you will want to punch whomever suggested watching it, ask for your time back and then watch it in reverse in an attempt to get some sort of closure.


I kept feeling like Skyline was the second part of a trilogy, of which we never got to see the first part. It's obvious that the ending was the setup for a sequel, and if the makers of this film could come up with a prequel film, this one would make more sense.


"Oh, well" said Zanoni, "to pour pure water in the muddy well does but disturb the mud !"


No, silovik, it was imbeciles who loved it.




Predators was a fun movie to watch gorey deaths, it wasn't really trying


Mars Attacks sucked and it was meant to be a parody. This movie sucked at it wasn't original. It had no character or plot development. It was trying to be Cloverfield meets Independence Day. If you want good thinking sci-fi you should go watch Blade Runner.


This was a great sci-fi flick; true sci-fi. Not the watered down crap that Americans need in order to 'get it'.

Don't start your post by insulting Americans, you prick.


...people who don't pay attention to plots or subtleties.

this movie had no plot.


it was just an awful movie


I like SiFi, but despised this movie, Prometheus wasn't watered down, wasn't boring, wasn't mainstream, and didnt answer all the questions.This was garbage.


This was a good movie. This American loved it! All people do is come on this website to bitch and complain. These fools don't like nothing.


This American doesn't like fools who think double negatives make them seem smart.
