What's the deal?

I don't know if it's the lack of an all-star cast, but something about this movie screams non-Hollywood. Like a low-budget movie, yet clearly the budget was not that limited. So what's the deal? Was this a "outsider" movie? Why couldn't they get big stars for this? It's a great script and great direction... Did they actively want a B-list cast?


It was self-financed. Big stars have to be paid. The movie only cost $10.5 mil compared to other sci-fi movies costing $75 mil and up. The difference instead of spending the $10 mil on big name actors looking for a big paycheck, the Strauss brothers spent the money on vfx while the not-so-well known cast took home smaller checks. Judging from the poor box office, it's obvious movie-going audiences would rather see big names even if the fx are cheesy. This movie wasn't perfect but the story was mostly solid for what it was and the vfx were great for such a low budget.
