MovieChat Forums > Just Go with It (2011) Discussion > Needed a lot of editing - * may contain ...

Needed a lot of editing - * may contain spoilers*

Basically a funny movie with a good cast, but about 30 minutes of cuts would have made a great improvement. The following scenes added nothing other than to make the movie 2 hours long.

Shortening the beginning where Sandler goes into a long flashback of why he uses the wedding band to get women. The big nose thing was not funny and totally unnecessary. They could have explained the premise of faking a marriage without going through all that.

Eliminate cousin Eddie altogether. The stupid Euro character he played and the sheep resuscitation scene added nothing to the movie. If they wanted Aniston to have a new love interest at least use a believable character. I know Palmer was supposed to be a dumb blond, but not that dumb.

Adding Kidman as the old college antagonist was fine because it helped add one more lie to the already fouled up situation. But having them share the same first name was lame, along with the numerous references to the name Devlin being synonymous with the word s**t.

There were some other Sandlerism's that could go too, such as the repeated references to Aniston's involvement with "the beard".


I kind of agree, it seemed longer than it needed to be, but at the same time I felt like we missed out on a few scenes.

I liked cousin Eddie, but mainly because I like Nick Swardson. I think he's really underrated. It didn't really matter though, it could've been anyone, with any type of character. It was so random and not really necessary.

I think the big nose thing was alright, it made sense when he became a plastic surgeon.

I didn't find the flashback scene to be all that long, it was pretty much the girls talking, he overhears it, walks out, goes to a bar, picks up a chick, and then shows a few more after he had the surgery. Was it even 5 minutes? Actually I just rewatched that scene, it was just 4 and half minutes. I think any shorter and they wouldn't have been able to do the character building they needed for this movie to work.

I think the whole wedding thing at the end was wrong. Why would they all of a sudden get married after they barely spent any real time together? That whole crap could've been cut out.

We didn't get to see him break up with Palmer, yet she had Catherine's kids. Doesn't that seem strange? It would've made more sense if they were with Eddie.

Also, Palmer started to question why there were 2 people named Devlin, but they shoved her in the pool, and then she never brought it up again.

Overall, I do think it was longer than it needed to be. There were probably a number of scenes that could've been cut out and it wouldn't have affected the story.


Bad editing and scenes/reactions that linger on too long is practically Sandler's trademark by now.


they barely spent any real time together?

They worked together side-by-side for years. "She laughed at all his jokes".
