Comedy for Idiots

This movie was made for slack-jawed, drooling morons and dental clinic receptionists.

The high rating this movie gets indicates that morons are good at clicking their mice.

If that offends you, morons, I've got one thing to say: lighten up!

Peace and love.


Agreed, absolute garbage. Mel Brooks would wipe his ass to this... silently.

And that twat who did the music needs to be flogged, water-boarded, then flogged again, and then finally castrated by the teeth of a blind chimpanzee. Great mash-ups guy, great job *thumbs up* dipsh t.


LOL......this is laugh out loud funny being that I am assuming you 2 rocket scientists and expert comedic geniuses actually took the time to watch the movie to make such an informed critique...LOL....wonder what that says about you!!! It's OK....go rent The Hangover....drunken good ole boy...buddy movie humor is much more for you intellectual types!!


You must be joking. Anybody who doesn't like Just Go With It isn't pompous. They're just not idiots. I reviewed the movie. The Hangover is a better movie.

Last Movie Reviewed:
30 Minutes or Less


I watched Just Go With It last was awesome!!!


I guess you don't know who Mel Brooks is.


^ Exactly, and I thought it was obvious, but I guess there weren't enough scenes of English men sitting in their rocking chairs sipping on whine and wearing monocles reciting sophisticated jokes for intellectuals such as the op.



I give your trolling 2 out of 10.



I asked myself why I watched this stupid movie. A waste of my TV time. It was SO predictable. The moment I saw Jennifer Aniston, I could have fast forwarded to the last moment of this ridiculous movie......surprise (not!)
